The Collector

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Dear diary,                                                                                                                  July 26, 2013

        I'm writing this quite quickly because if the council catches me they will take this book away. At first it was only supposed to be a harmless game, but then he gained too much power. No one could control it or him. Most people couldn't take it. They tried to kill themselves or tried to leave, but the council wouldn't let them. What keeps me going is Brandon, he is my rock. He always keeps me going through all of this since the beginning. We are best friends after all, even though I've always secretly hoped we were more. Now that everything is changing though, I have no time to focus on love or relationships. Now this 'game' put our lives at risk because if you don't do what they say it doesn't end well. I would like to think that Brandon and I have gotten pretty far with it, the 'game' I mean. We did and found everything we needed to, so far. What Brandon and I really plan to do is take the Council down. For good.

The Game

What the 'game' is or was intended to be at first, is a huge scavenger hunt-like game where the town council give out a list of things a person or group of people must find in order to gain a reward. Such as money or a new house, or even better. Everyone thought it was a harmless fun chance to get prizes and promote the town, or put it on the map so to speak. After the new mayor was elected, the lists got longer and harder. I don't think anyone else saw it coming, but I could tell things were going to start changing. The new mayor, or as Brandon and I refer to him, The Collector, has started changing the game. He made it harder and more risky, eventually putting peoples lives at risk. Now the game wasn't just an option, you had to play or else. A council member would come to the game players house to collect an item or more. No one knew what the infamous 'or else' meant, but knowing what's going on now it must not be good. There are many things to look at for. Like your competitors, if the council doesn't kill you they will. The game is a matter of life or death. No one ever stays in one place, so you have to get used to be on your feet.

So, that's how Brandon and I found ourselves here at yet another hideaway. It was a little abandoned one room, one bedroom ;) house that we had to steal of course. Since, it is July I do get to see him shirtless which is always a treat even if I don't get to see anymore than that. Now of, course it's not how it sounds. were not in some big, dark, and scary post-apocalyptic state or anything. We still have power and plenty of food. It's just a very small town with a Mayor who has WAY too much power. There was even a lake that we visit every once and a while.  Everything is as functional as a regular, but this was definitely anything but.   

I have to go I know it's short, but I wrote this very quickly in order for them to not catch me. I will write soon with more information. Hopefully my plan works.

                                                                                                      Yours always,


A/N: Hi guys!! It's Amber. This is my first story ever!!! The picture is of Ashley. YAY I hope you like it! Like comment vote. I want your feedback please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks byeeess

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2013 ⏰

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