Eventually he found his voice and his ability to move unaided.  Placing both hands on her shoulders, he forced her to a stop.  "Ai, what did you say?" he asked needing to hear it again to make sure he had heard her correctly.

Tearfully she looked up at him as she took both of his hands into her own before she repeated herself and this time his reactions became even more animated, for a second she thought the shaking of his body might topple him, he looked as if he were about to faint.

Forcing her to a complete standstill, Jie took several deep breaths before collapsing to the seat in shock.  "How long?" he asked softly.

"Three months." she said just as softly waiting for him to say something, and though she could see he was mentally working out in his mind the time frame and where they were in the lives at that time he remained quiet.

"Of course I know this might come as a bit of a shock Jie, but I am pregnant, and we will be having a baby." she said suddenly falling against him to cry and sob loudly, while his arm automatically reached around to hold her.

 "I'm an old woman, so to be giving birth at my age will no doubt raise questions, but I don't care, we can do this Jie."  she whispered against him, as he continued to stroke her hair and his mind began to work furiously as to what he was going to say and what he needed to do.

"Jie?" she asked softly, no longer smiling or bouncing. "Are you not happy?" she asked softly as she allowed a few tears to fall while marveling at her ability to act.  This is just too easy, she thought to herself, but keeping the laughter at bay, she watched his face intently for any changes to the shocked one he was still wearing.  She could also see fear in those eyes of his as well as scheming, but saying nothing she waited.

Taking another deep breath and coughing lightly, Jie took both of her hands into his own and smiled at her while she waited for what would come out of his mouth.  And while she had hoped he would come clean, because this was the perfect time for him to do so, she also hoped he wouldn't because the chance to play with him was very strong.

"Ai, are you sure." he asked keeping the raging turmoil from his voice, but managing a small smile as he continued to look at her.

Nodding her head, she told him of her trip to see a midwife.  "I suspected a few weeks ago, but I needed a chance to slip away on my own for confirmation.  I know it must come as a shock Jie, but we can get through this.  We will finally have a baby of our very own." she smiled tearfully up at him making sure it looked as fake as possible.

Nodding that he understood, he tried his best to keep the smile on his face for her sake but unable to, he instead pulled her into his arms while he tried to pull himself together.  He knew she wanted him to take the lead here, to offer words of comfort and encouragement, but he just couldn't.  

Not only was her Mortal form too old to be bearing children, she would then have to explain it to her family.  That she had even told him, considering she had an affair behind her Mortal husbands back and even gave him a time frame knowing any man with a single brain cell could work it out amazed him, but then again, being pregnant, she would not be thinking straight he reasoned to himself.

In the end he suggested she go to bed, she needed to rest.  Forcing her to her feet, he gently pushed her towards their bedchamber.  "You go ahead, I'll make tea, you can have it in bed." he said softly as he watched her walk away, while he fell back down into the seat in shock and she with a small smile on her lips.


Jie awoke the next morning with a splitting headache, but forcing himself up, he was surprised to see Ai already out of bed.  The sun had yet to fully rise above the horizon, which meant it was just after dawn.  She never rose this early, so he was quite surprised to find himself alone.  

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