Part 25 - Birthday Surprises (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Are you with Y/N?" I ask. 

"Yeah, why?" 

"I need to talk to you, and Y/N can't know what it's about," 

"Who is it?" I hear Y/N's voice in the background. 

"Peter," Elise responds, "I'll be right back," She tells Y/N. 

"OK, I'm in Mandy's room, what's up?" She says. 

"So I just found out I'm coming home tonight, not tomorrow," 

"Are you serious? That's great! Y/N will be so happy!" Elise exclaims. 

"But, I don't want you to tell her," I reply quickly. 

"What? Why?" 

I sigh, "I want to surprise her tonight." 

She pauses, "OK, well we're going out for ice cream tonight, you can surprise her then. We're going to the ice cream parlor on fourth street I think." 

"Great! I'll surprise her, just make sure she doesn't find out." I say. 

"I won't. See ya, Peter." 

I hang up the phone and sit on my bed until my phone rings again. 

 I see Y/N's name on caller ID and I answer. 

"Y/N?" I say. 

"Happy birthday Peter!" She squeals. 

"You too. I wish I was with you." 

"I do too. But we'll see each other again tomorrow," She says on the other end. 

"Yeah, tomorrow." 

"Are you OK?" She asks, "Ooh! I just sent you your email!" She changes the subject.

I jump back onto my bed and log into my laptop again, "OK I'll watch it." 

"I wish you were here, we're all going out for a little ice cream celebration tonight, and then we'll celebrate tomorrow with you!" 

"Who's going tonight and tomorrow?" I ask signing into my email. 

She thinks for a moment, "Uh, me, Elise, Ned, Michelle, oh and Liam." 

My heart stops at Liam's name, "Oh Liams coming?" 

"Yeah, he's cool so we thought we'd invite him." 

"Yeah, sounds great," I reply flatly. 

"Go check your email! I can't wait to see you tomorrow." 

"I can't wait to see you too," 

"I got to go, but text me tonight." She says. 

"I will," I promise. We both hang up as I finally log into my email. 

I click on Y/N's email to me. There's a video attachment along with a little message,  "Happy birthday Peter. Hope you enjoy your gift. I can't wait to see you tomorrow :)" It read. 

I download the video and wait for it to open. When it loads Y/N pops up on my screen. She's wearing a nice dress and her hair and makeup it all done. She looks so beautiful. 

"Hi Peter," She smiles into the camera, "When we first met in kindergarten, I had no clue that you would become this important to me. We've been best friends almost our whole life. You've always been there for me. No matter what." I smile as she holds up a picture of us from kindergarten. I'm wearing a cowboy hat and she has a police officer costume on.

"I remember the day that we met, we were young, and I fell in the sandbox at the park and you came over and fell down too. We both started to laugh and giggle." I laugh at remember that moment. 

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