6th Grade

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So it all went wrong in sixth grade. I was failing and like most kids I HATED my teachers. I was really depressed in 6th grade to. That year is actually when the diagnosed me with high levels of depression and borderline personality disorder, and I let those things describe who I was and I tore me apart. I started to cut bad that year. I didn't know how to talk to anyone I just shut everyone and anyone out when they tried to help. I was being bullied bad cor tge way I dressed. I LOVE anime so don't get me wrong but I wore skirts and knee socks and bright colored clothing. That stoped soon. All of it. I started to were long sleeves,pants,and even put my hair in my face so I wouldn't have to look at people.. I would show my friends my cuts thinking they were going to take it as I need help. I need someone to be here for me.. But they didn't. Let me remind you I didn't knkw how to communicate. But then before the chirstmas break was let out I was put into a mental instatution.
Through the summer I was running away. I would be on the roof and scream "IM DONE WITH THIS" and try to jump off to end it all. And that was six grade for me.

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