[2] Once Upon A Time.

Beginne am Anfang

"why does she wear a mask?"
the group who's heart raced for (Y/N) but where cautious of Daniel

A certain blonde sat at his desk quietly.

**skips part where Daniel realizes he's sitting next to Zack who beat him up earlier**  

whisper whisper
"his side profile is hot too"

"a model?"
"I AM HeLLA lucky to see such beauty"

*curling iron*
*pat pat*
*glance -_-*
*shazam* o0o*

"Yah" a future main character walked in the middle of Y/n and Daniels desk "Daniel and Y/n right?, I'm Zoe"

'i knew she would do that
'Zoe Park'
'as soon as she she's someone good looking..'

'she's at it again'

'WOw she's hot!'

'How the hell can you stand those jiggly things in the way all the time!?'

"yah! you got something on your face!" directing her gaze towards Daniel you knew what was coming.

"Huh Where?"

a full on war.

"Cute things!"

feeling the temperature of the room instantly drop, your eyes slanted to a glare.


It was the first time since i was born that a girl had flirted with me.

'Cute thing.. tsk i outta smack a bitch'

"Hey, Zoe" Zoe innocently turned her head to the new voice "stop flirting and sit. It's annoying" Zoe giggled "oH Zack! Scary! WhaT~?" "Stop doing that ThOt!"

Zack looked at Mira who stared at Daniel 'I don't like this transfer DicK'

'Something feels off..'

as a specialty high school, your new school focuses on

1) Baking department

2) Beauty Department

3) Vocal and Dance Department

4) Practical Music Department

5) Fashion and Clothing Design Department

6) Architecture and Interior Design Department

7) Physical Education Department

8) Comic and Animation Department

More practical training and work experience programs rather than going to college.

Fashion Dept.
(90% with altered uniforms)

Beauty Dept.
(Hair dying permission)

Practical Music Dept .
(Each with an instrument )

That kind of freedom was a nightmare for other school students
But the school was also known for having many k-pop artist trainees, Models, And popular idols

And Today
"Daniel, Y/n, What kind of side dishes do you like?" Zoe asked grinning, Zoe stood on Daniel's right side; Me on his left and Liy standing on my left,
Daniel was thinking but I paid it no thought as I continued to pack food on my plate.
There's two new stars on the scene!
And There's an Anxious Girl
"Excuse me y/n, but is the f/s/d good?" One of the males asked you while blushing "yeah and it's my favorite side dish" y/n grinned lighting up the cafeteria and getting extra of it, everyone in the line rushed over to get some after she had moved forward.

"crazy hot"
"is she his girlfriend?"
"Damn cool"
"they say they're in the Fashion Dept."

"hey Liy you gonna eat that?" i asked pointing my chopsticks over at her food "Nah you can have it" she picked it up about to put it on my tray when some familiar douches came over "hey Newbies!" Daniel and me Glanced at them "we need to talk after lunch" "are you trying to start beef?" Y/n glared standing up to do something about them before Liy pulled her down to sit "they're not worth getting their ass kicked remember you'll spill the beans if you do" she whispered to me "tch...Fine" i pulled my hat down some more to hide my face.
i of course had to move my mask down to eat so the only thing keeping my identity secret was my hat which; im grateful for.

this was the kind of place where i would get beat back then.

"so your name's are Daniel and (Y/N)?" "um.." i could tell Daniel was Freaking out about something but i kept my cool showing no emotion anywhere i kept my stance a little ahead of Daniel incase they tried anything and pulled up my mask a little more.
hey I'm not saying i like him or anything but i can't just let someone hit him for no reason.
The guy pulled out a pack of cigarettes offering them "where you guys from?" the guy who pulled out the Cigarettes smiled 'your teeth are so god damn yellow..'

"you're freaking tall" one of them said towards Daniel 'damn..i hate being short' y/n huffed averting her gaze on Daniel who stood next to her.
"you..Hehe.. made trouble and that's why you're here, right?" "look at her shoulders.. you work out?" "you must be a ladykiller hook me up sometime big guy" "maybe with this beauty" the guy still had the cigarettes out offering them still "what'd you say di-" "ah.." 'danie's totally frozen and I'm still hungry' "Sorry but we don't fucking Smoke" you finished his sentence putting your hands in your jacket pocket.

"i don't know any girls Besides (Y/N) and Liy" Daniel finally spoke, y/n grabbed his wrist softly "we're out" she held her two fingers out in a peace sign. She spun on her foot pulling Daniel with her as she quickly walked back.
its just he got so nervous that his face froze while she kept her cool.

After lunch

i grabbed my phone cause fuck class
Zoe stared at Daniel creepily while he slept she crouched down to wake him up, when he jolted awake yelling a loud "FUCK" she fell on her ass making y/n laugh, she was dreading silently miners and muffled laughs broke out, Zoe recovered blushing.

'damn..damn chic..'
'where the hell is the teacher'
'Where is the staff in this school?'

1458 words


this took me about an hour to make since i get easily distracted ehehe but yesh i might update this everyday and yesh your short in the story ehehe but your a badass so i hope that makes up for it!

Yes it took me 400 billion years to finally rebulish this book I'm sorry ;-;, this book is on hiatus until I'm able to recover and post another fixed chapter, I'm sorry for gong Hiatus.

Thank you for reading!♡

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