2: hello internet

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(A/n, this is Ava's 'Devil side'/ 'depressed thoughts, )
'Really?' She said, looking shocked.
'Yeah..' I said, letting her out the hug.
'Can y-you go now? I need some alone time...' She said, 'oh God, I sound so ru-'
'Its ok, I sometimes need some alone time to!' I said, smiling.
'Bye..' She muttered.
'Bye Ava,' I said.
I left and entered my room.
She's so pretty! Oh God... What if she finds my channel? What if she sees 'Hello Internet'!?
*knock knock knock*
I got up and Phil was standing there.
'Yeah?' I said.
'Why did you go to Ava's?' He asked.
I felt myself going red. Ava said not to tell Phil! Oh God. What do I do? What do I do?
'You're spacing out! Why did you go to Ava's?' He asked.
'I umm...'
'You have a crush on her ;)!' Phil said.
'Danny has a crush on our neighbour!' He teased.
'Shut up...' I muttered.

After Dan left, I flopped on my bed.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! He's so GODDAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
I sat up and opened the laptop to listen to some music.
'Huh? What's this... 'DanAndPhilGames'? Is that Dan and Phil?' I muttered, clicking on the video. The most recent upload was posted earlier, and Dan and Phil had the same clothes on. I watched it, and when it got to the end, it was the same thing I heard them say, and then Dan left.
'If you want to subscribe to my main channel, click on my face. If you want to subscribe to Dan, click the void next to me. Click down there to subscribe to DanAndPhilGames!' Phil said.(I know they don't end their videos like that, but I just made it up, BC its my story)
I clicked on Dan's channel, called 'Daniel Howell'.
'Why's Dan called 'Daniel'? That's way to formal, and Dan's really informal...' I muttered. I clicked his most popular and first video, called 'Hello Internet'. (I'm just pretending it is!)

'DAN!!' I laughed.

When Phil and I were watching some Anime, I heard our most recent video from Ava's apartment.
'Phil... I think Ava found our channel,' I said.
'Now she's gonna find our main channels and our old videos...' I said.
'Don't worry, she probably won-' I cut Phil off.
'Hi. So my name is [Dan]. Nice to meet you. And this is my first proper video, I guess. WOO!!'
'SHE DID FIND IT!'I whisper-shouted.
'Dan!!' She laughed, and I went red.
'You have a crush on her, don't ya? That's why you don't want her to find our old videos! ;)' Phil teased.
'What! No!' I said.
But I was true.
I loved Ava.


After binge-watching Dan and Phil, I found out a lot about them. Like Phil helped Dan make a channel and they've been friends since 2009.
I looked at the clock, and it was November 19th, at 9:12 pm. Did I really stay up that late? Well, its my birthday tomorrow. I might go out.
Knowing Dan and Phil, they were still up, so I texted them in a group chat.
A is Ava, P is Phil and D is Dan
A: hey guys
D: hey ava
P: hi
A: so I was wondering if you guys want to go to a cafe tomorrow or something, my treat 😸
D: why?
A: its my birthday tomorrow!
P: okay, how about 9am?
A: I never get up by then 😥
D: 1pm?
A: yeah
P: ava, do you like music?
A: yeah! why?
P: no reason, just wondering
A: okay. see you tomorrow! you can choose the cafe, if you want
D: BTW, do you like cats?
D: see you tomorrow
P: bye!
A: see ya!
I turned of my phone and opened my laptop.
I think I love Dan.
No Ava! You hardly know him. He could be dating someone else! Just because he's 26, doesn't mean he has to live with his girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever-gender-friend.
I know... I guess I'll just have to wait for tomorrow. Why did they ask about music and cats? If they get me a guitar I might actually scream. But what gift is cat-related? We weren't aloud a goldfish, let alone a cat...

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