Calling You Out

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VC-Alexa- Ohhhhh boy * facepalms *

VC-Renee- I find Paige a bit out of place to be commenting on Dean and I. Sometimes people just need to mind their damn business. Yeesh.

"You know what Paige, thats your opinion and everyone is allowed to have an opinion. Im just going to leave it at that because you're my friend and I dont want to ruin our friendship. Think what you want. And maybe you should keep yourself occupied instead of observing me."

Paige rolled her eyes.

VC-Paige- Renee, darling, we have an alliances, not a best friends club. I like you but im pretty sure after the show is over im never going to speak to you again so.....yea. Damn I sound like a bitch.


"Finn, I need to talk to you man." Roman pulled Finn aside.

"Sure. Whats up?"

"Now, im not here to convince you not to put me into eliminations. Lets snap into reality and take a look at whats going in this house. Its basically John's alliance versus you and me. We're the only two guys who dont have an alliance in this house that means the wolves are out to get us. I can already tell that theyre aiming to take us both out, thats why we need to work together. You get where im coming from?"

"Oh yea totally." Finn listened closely and nodded.

" Right now, its us versus them. We cant let them get rid of us that easy. So what do you say?"

VC-Finn- Roman is making a lot of sense right now. I dont have an alliance and neither does he so that automatically makes us the targets. We're on their hitlist and to save our own asses we got to work together before they single handedly take us out.

"Im all for it."

"Great. One more thing, I want you to put me into the Chamber."

"What? Why would I do that? Its either you or AJ and the smart choice is AJ."

"Its the smart choice, I agree. But Seth, John and Randy is up for the draw. I would absolutely love to take one of them out in honor of my boy Dean."

Finn shook his head, "I dont know Roman. It would be better If I send in AJ to take one of his alliance buddies out. What if you end up losing?"

"Nah man, losing aint in my dictionary."

"No offense but you havent really won anything."

Roman shot him a look, "Listen, theres nothing more powerful than a man driven to attain victory. I will come back. Dont worry about it. Send me into the Chamber and let me do my job"

"You sure about this?"

" One hundred percent man. Im going to get some revenge on Seth for joining that pussy ass squad and you better believe......that."

VC-Finn- Roman is such a dramatic guy....You're on reality tv Roman, not in a movie.


"I just cant wait til the show is over and we go back home. My mom and dad would love you!" Alexa said to AJ as she layed cradled in his arms.

They were both laying in a hammock rocking under the shade of a tree as the gentle breeze caressed their skin.

"Do you think your parents would like me?" she asked as she intertwined her fingers into his.

AJ didn't respond. He wasn't even listening to her. He just layed there with Alexa on top of him as he rocked the hammock back and forth with his leg.

WWE-The Challenge-Free AgentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora