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"Mom!"Elizabeth called. " I'm up!" mom saids. " Hi mom, so how was your sleep?" she saids shyly. "Fine, Look mom I really didn't mean what I said at home I just, (sigh) I don't know, I'm sorry." as tears started watering my eyes I felt so selfish and snobby It let me think the other times I did like keep breaking my phone and beg for my parents to get my another sometimes even did it on purpose to get a new phone that came out or bully my brothers for the little things they do just being a user and manipulative to people that are good and deserve better then me messing with people's head just to steal what they have and that's when finally the fireworks came out." Why u crying?" as she was looking so concern and curious ." I don't know if anyone like u and people I ever hurted would ever forgive me putting people down, I feel so fake and dirty I don't deserve anything !." once in my life I felt rotted ,alone. '' Your not, people make mistakes not everyones perfect." mom said. " Yea mom, but the things I did weren't it was on purpose!" " Look your a good person I'm mean your telling me all this now so u do feel bad for the things you've done u just have start over and change things will be okay I promise." as I look into my moms eyes I could see she was telling the truth and I was going to start doing that as I rose up off the edge of the bed I came over to my moms side and hugged her '' Thank you, you helped me alot." it was about 7O' clock and everyone was in the van today I decided since we just going to see the fireworks wear my gray sweatshirt that said Chicago across it with blue shorts and my blue and gray nike shoes. Getting ready to go downtown we always left an hour later so their isn't alot of traffic but it was so strange this time no vehicles just dead silence in the streets not even a bird chirp it creeped me out. " Um, mom maybe we should go home its kinda creepy that theirs nothing no one out." " Elizabeth, its fine everyone is probably at where their supposed to be." mom said with a little frustration. As I scooted back in my seat dad stopped at the traffic light I looked outside the window seeing nothing no people no vehicles not even a bird or a squirrel till I recognized something this was the exact same place in my dreams when saw that girl warning me. " Mom!" but it was to late the traffic light turn green as the car started to move. " DAD,NO!" but as I looked to my left my eyes were glued as I gasp when a truck went right at us (TRUCK HONK) (CAR CRASH) (CAR ALARM OFF)

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