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So it's recently been Christmas.
Oh the joy of the season.
The hope and fun of the holiday along with the warm dinner with the family and the curiosity of what the new year will bring.

Though most people are dying for a new year, with the saying 'new year new me!' Others see the new year as the end of the world.

Okay, okay. The 'end of the world' may be over exaggerates what they think but put your self in the mind of someone else here. It doesn't need to be someone you know or someone your close to just as long as you know there is someone out there think this way.

So... here we go.

'A new year a new me? The world is changing as we know it. With leaders of the world getting caught up in a riot,
People talking of world peace, and other grabbing guns and bringing it to its knees.
Yet everyone says new year new me? The change of personality over that one day where we have decided this is where the new year starts and the old one ends.
The day we as humans decided to change our ways for our family and friends.
A new year a new start.
Taking up hobbies like music and art.
Change can be good, but is it always the way?
We are changing the wrong things and that needs to stop right now, today.
Instead of new year new me, say new year new ways.
We put away the weapons and threats and be happy about our living days.
Days we should spend with family and friends from when we were younger or ending real problems like poverty, homelessness and world hunger.
We as humans have the power to change.
If we can come up with the concept of time and night and days,
Then why is knowing good from bad the most difficult problem our species must face?
New year a new me!
This you may say but are you sure you won't go to school and act the same way?
Some people hope that this means people will stop.
Stop the comments, and judging contests and the fights,
and stop doing the things that give them bad thoughts, and keep them at bay at night.
Stop the constants bullying that's can cause their self esteem and pride to rot.
Stop people from saying things that shouldn't be said, to help people who other wise think they are better off dead.
No one wants the world to end. But along with a new year and old one goes it leaves us with our imagination and pretend.
If we are the intelligent species of the world,
Then why can't we stop the war and fighting, the bulling and judging which could stave the life of a teen boy or girl?

We know there will be no change.
Excepts for you cutting off some food from your diet, like caffeine or chocolate. Which I think to be strange.
We come up with these resolutions for our own pride and some hope something stupid, we know that this easily made promise is also easily broke.
There is no change, nothing that will help at least.
For we as human beings are just intelligent beasts.
We use our smarts for the worst of things,
and then we 'change' for the first half of what the new year brings.

But to those who hope for a new year but instead a new you, look for a new hope.
You can find it in yourself and the others you know.
The friends you talk to and the ones you don't.
You can always ask for help and don't ever think of your self of weak.
A new year a new achievement.
Let's think of it like that.
You have made it this far so let's not go back.
Don't wish you had not because think of the friends you made on the way.
Don't let depression or anxiety be the end of your days.
We are the strong ones, maybe not physically but mentally.
We deal with the constant reminder that we are different on the Daily.
We know where to go if we need to talk and if we don't we try to hide it with a mask and say nothin at all.
That is strength but it's okay to be weak.
No one will blame you if you need to take a break and breath.

There no way to stop it.
The end is near.
Not the end of the world.
But the end of the year.'

-Lauren Tivenan 🌹
Okay so I'm proud of that not going To lie. But guys if you are sad or upset you can talk to someone and if you need to chat there are people everywhere. I would say I'm here to talk to but my messages don't work on wattpad so if you do want to talk with me let me know I'll give you my insta (it won't be my private) and we can talk as much as you'd like.

Like i said the new year is starting you don't have to change. Just be proud you made it this far in a world full of heart braking hate.

I'm thankful for my friends who helped get me this far. And who I have seen change over the years all for the better. You can't stop change it is inevitable But let it work in your favour and use it as a strength to get you through to the next new year.

Love you guys ❤

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