New Years Eve

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The DSV-bus are on the way back to Hotel from the Hill after the qualification in Garmisch. I am satisfied, my jump was good, and I have finished the Quali on a 5: th place and for the Knock-Out tomorrow I got a beatable opponent. Now I doze a bit leaning on to Andis shoulder and listen nearby how Andi quietly talks to Wanki and Eisei, I can't hear what they say because as so oft my thoughts circles in my head about the man beside me. I can't my luck believe, that Andi is my boyfriend and that he loves me. I don't exactly know how many New Year eves I already have celebrated in Garmisch, but it is a few and every time it is about the same that happens, so I don't think it will be much different this year. Only one thing is new this year: I don't have to celebrate the new year alone this time. On New Year's Eve the partners are always invited, but I have never had one to take along. So, because of that at least something is new. Not that it is a big party going on, we all had to jump very early the morning after, but a nice dinner and the new year with a glass Prosecco to cheering is always in. I think it will be very beautiful to start the new year with someone you love, and I cuddle myself close to my Andi. I don't get why the competitions in Garmisch always must start so early. After all, we did arrive very late from Oberstdorf yesterday, it was already past midnight bevor we were all in bed. Right now, after the jumps, I am quite exhausted, but I hope one refreshing shower will wake me up a bit, when not I will fall asleep before midnight.

I am so tied up in my thoughts I almost didn't notice we are at the hotel, but when Andi next to me stands up my head falls from his shoulder and I am back in here and now. Andi smiles apologetic to me and I give him a bright smile back, I just can't do anything else I am crazy about that guy. Slowly I stand up and collect my things and follow Andi in the hotel. We had to hurry a bit, Werner hat one team meeting announced in one hour and bevor the meeting we must make us chick for the dinner later. Normally we just go to eating in our team clothes but on New Year's Eve it is a bit different and everyone put at least a shirt on.

The dinner later is as always funny. A lot of other teams are staying at the same hotel and some of them are talented. The compulsory karaoke, that always takes place between our different menus, are developing to a comedy with some help from the guys from Norway, who are doing a little show for us. I didn't know Tande could sing that good, but most impressed I am about the fact that he can sing at all because all his teammates are doing all they can to make him laugh and I must wish tears of joy from my eyes when they are finished. Really chaotic ones, I think and shake my head amused before I concentrate on my dinner plate. The food is good, and I talk a bit with all my colleagues. It is a nice evening and I enjoy that Andi sits next to me and under the table, he takes my hand, what makes it warm and cosy around my heart. In public, we can't show our feelings, but Andi always finds small excuses to find body contact with me. It also helps that Andi is one guy that is known as one who often seeks body contact with all people he knows.

"Stephan, are you coming with me please?" asks me Andi suddenly, after that we have finished our dinner meal. I wonder what he will do and why we are leaving before the dessert, but I can't say no to him and I am also curious, so I follow him when he stands off and goes out from the big dining room. He goes to the elevators and when I am questioning looking at him, he just gives me a smile and doesn't tell me anything. First when we are alone in the elevator can he take my hand, what he does directly. He pushes the button with number 3 on, it is our floor. Looks like we are going to our room. He still not telling me anything and I don't ask him because I understand that he wanted to surprise me, and I don't want to ruin it for him. The elevator slowly come to stands on our floor and the doors get open. Andi puts his head out to look if the floor is empty, what it is, all the others are still down and eating, what we also are supposed to be doing right now. I ask myself what Werner think about this. He always put a lot of weight on that we shall all stay until dinner is over. As we arrive our room and stay for the door, Andi tells me to close my eyes and not open them before he tells me to do so. He really has a surprise for me! I am very curious, but I am being good and close my eyes and I wouldn't try to peek, that hat Andi not earned. He lays his arm around my waist, gives me a kiss in the neck and whispers in my right ear: "Stephan, I love you very much and I want to kiss you at midnight. We have permission to eat our dessert here in our room and celebrating the new year alone."

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