Wake up damnit

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Corey's POV
We were stuck in the waiting room all worried. Sam and Colby were once again sleeping and Elton, well he was glaring at me. I cant blame him though. All i can think about is what was going on in there.... Doctor Witt comes out. I jump up and Elton does too. "(Y/n)....her heartbeat stopped but was able to come back, shes fighting. Her vitals are stable now so you can all go back into the room now." He says. I walk to Sam and Colby and wake them up. We all go back into the room and all but 2 slept. Me and Elton didn't go to bed. So we would take turns getting coffee. Tensions between us were calmed down but i couldn't help but think the worst. Elton walked out to get coffee and i stood up by her bed side. "Hey, i don't know if you can hear me but i love you and you cant go, you just can't. You cant leave me...not now...not ever." I say crying. I place my hand on hers. Her heartbeat monitor speeds up a bit but slows back down. I gasp. She, she heard me? "Please wakeup....wakeup damnit." I say crying even harder. I feel a hand rub my back. I turn to see Elton. I hug him and he hugs me back.


I wake Sam and Colby up with Coffee in hand and sit back down beside her bedside. "Corey, Elton, did yall sleep at all last night?" Sam asks. We both shake our heads. "Wow." Sam mumbles loud enough for Elton to roll his eyes. Elton suddenly smiles looking at (y/n). "I remember one time me and her were doing a vine and she told me right before that no matter how it played out whoever goes to the hospital first is a loser. So...shes a loser." He says picking her hand up. We all laugh a little. "I remember when we were at the LA sewer system and she was terrified of that hobo who kept staring at us.." Colby says. "Yeah and she almost fell off." Sam sags smiling. "I remember pranking everyone with the hickey prank. Elton almost punched me but it was worth it." I say. Elton smiles "It was close." I look at (y/n). I need her to wake up. I cant loose her. "Hey Kat and Amanda are bringing us non hospital food." Sam says. "Great." Elton mumbles i heard but i don't think anyone else did. Why is he acting like this towards Amanda.
After Amanda and kat arrive with food everyone starts talking trying to keep a positive vibe but we can tell everyone is having a hard time with it. At one point everyone except me and Elton are out of the room. "Elton why are you acting weird towards Amanda?" I ask softly. "Well she thinks that i like (y/n)...in more than just a sister way. She's jealous and she doesn't understand how important (y/n) is to me so seeing her try to be here for me.....its irritating. I love her but shes a pain." Elton confesses. Damn...honestly that sucks. I look at my phone to see my twitter blowed up with questions about (y/n). Some happy some disrespectful. "Well shes trying and can you blame her, if i didn't know you well i would think that too." I say. "True." Elton says. I move closer to (y/n) and put my hand on hers. "I love her...." I say. "I love her too." Elton says. "But shes a fighter she will come back to us." He adds. I smile a sad grin. Sam and Colby walk in and Kat and Amanda follow. The doctor comes in shortly after and 2 nurses follow. They have to do vital check ups every now and then. "Shes doing really well." The doctor reassures. "Good." I say. "Indeed. Honestly its a miracle really. She must have something she doesn't want to let go of." Doctor Witt says. Me and Elton look at each other and smile. And with that Doctor Witt and the nurses walk out. Sam and Colby whisper something to Kat and Amanda and they get up and walk out. "Wonder what they are up to." I say as the door shuts. I look back at (Y/n). Elton stands up and looks out the window. "Corey?"

To be continued................

Dont hate me please xD

P.S sorry if this was a short chapter.....i have writers block-_-

Hope your Cliffhanged selves enjoyed this chapter

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