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i walked into an old café in the corner of town. the first thing i saw was the red wall covered in old vinyl records, some cut into different shapes.

the small building was very quiet, apart from the distant rock music playing. i only went there to think, because my mind was incredibly full of thoughts about finn wolfhard. so full to the point where i felt dizzy.

i slowly walked to the small coffee bar, and picked up a paper menu filled with the different types of foods and drinks.

"hello ma'am, what can i get started for ya?" the kind barista greeted me as i looked down at the menu.

"um, i don't know. what do you suggest? i've never been here." i said to her as i lifted my head to see her. she looked to be around my age.

"well, do you want coffee? because if so we hav-"

"no, no coffee. i need something that will make my head feel like it isn't spinning from overthinking." i interrupted.

"okay, well then i highly recommend our ginger tea. it's the best thing we have! little barista tip- get it with two teaspoons of honey instead of just one. it makes a great difference." the brunette advocated.

"uh, yeah sure i'll have that." i told her, just wanting to be relieved from this awful feeling that was constantly spreading throughout my whole body.

"coming right up! that'll be two dollars and forty-five cents!" she said.

i reached for my back pocket and pulled out three dollar bills and handed them to her. she took them and soon gave me the change in coins, which i immediately dropped into the tip jar, which made her grin at me.

not even a minute later, another barista called out my drink. i grabbed it and found a large seat in the corner of the room. once i sat down i threw my bookbag onto the tiled floor beside the chair and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

i took a few sips from the drink and soon after, my head started to pound less.

i then began to realize just how much i wanted to talk to finn again. no, scratch that, how much i wanted him to kiss me again.

god i hated that i liked it. i hated finn wolfhard one minute, then the next, i liked him.

it's like when you have a crush on your best friends ex: it's wrong and you know it but it feels so right. except in my case, it was the asshole who bullied me for multiple years.

the bell to the store dinged with every passing person, which wasn't very many, considering this place wasn't popular. i still sat there, staring at my phone, occasionally taking drinks from my tea.

the bell chimed, alerting everyone there was another customer. i looked up.


school for the day ended, and i had no plans. i couldn't call iris, because we broke up, and i had no way of contacting millie.

i told myself i couldn't show my feelings, keep them contained, because if they get out, i'd be humiliated because i would definitely be rejected. millie would never even consider going on a damn date with me, the biggest dumbass on earth.

so, i decided to walk around in town. i didn't feel like talking to any of my so called "friends". they were all douche bags. and so i left the school building, not at all eager to wander around the city. i mean, sure, it is pretty, but not when you're lonely. it's more fun to aimlessly wander with someone by your side.

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