Chapter 7 - Scared of the demon

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"Thanks!" She blushed

They stood there for a few seconds, when Seth passed next to them smiling at Alessia, she saw him walking down the hallway as they both share glances.

"I gotta go Finn." She pat her shoulder and smiled at him.

"Good luck!" He said. "You don't need it." He yelled looking at her.

"Ladies and gentleman this is a fatal four way for the number one contender for the Raw Women's Champion!" Jojo announced.

Paige theme hit as she walked down the ramp, followed by Mickie's entrance and then Sasha's

And finally Alessia's theme hit and she caused one of the greatest reactions in the crowd. "Alessia!" "Alessia!"

All she could do was to smile.

The bell rang and the match started by Paige attacking with a kick to the jaw at Mickie. She then tried to do the cover but Alessia and Sasha kicked her, poison her into a double suplex, followed by a power bomb into the aprons.

Paige just rolled out of the ring.

Alessia then tried to pin out Sasha by a roll out but Sasha caught her into the bank statement; Alessia rolled up and caught Sasha into her own submission.

Sasha had no where to go that's when Mickie came in aid, rolling up but Alessia kicked out standing up and exposing Mickie into the black widow submission but Paige executes a ramppaige in both of them taking the cover on Alessia.
And Alessia kicks out.
Paige holds her into her submission scorpion cross lock, Alessia was screaming in pain but Sasha breaks the submission with a kick to the jaw, Alessia then rolled out of the ring.

After throwing some punches, submissions, kicks, etc... Alessia returns against Sasha with a punch from top rope, just like AJ sTyles and the count is up to three.

Corey Graves: "This woman won't stop until she gets what she wants."
Booker T: "that's for sure

"And the number one contender for the Raw Women's Championship, Alessia!" The ref held up her hand as the crowd was chanting "you deserve it"

Alessia came backstage being congratulated by Seth who was waiting for her; at the time he saw her he quickly came running carrying her into a hug.

"Congratulations my future champ!" He said twirling them both around.

"Thanks!" She said crying.

"You do deserve it Alessia." He smiled cupping her chicks.

"Congratulations." the whole roster was now hugging and congratulating Alessia.

Seth theme hits as he starts walking down the ramp. He smiled at the sound of the crowd chanting his name.

"You know 3 years ago I had to relinquish my WWE Heavyweight Champinship and I never got it back." He said ponting to the crowd. "And this year is just the same thing!" He snapped. "I never had a rematch for my Universal Championship, which is now with some kind of demon." He paced around the ring.
"And I want it back!" He yelled. "If the demon is brave enough for a man he'll accept my challenge." He smirked pointing at the big screen. "What I want is a match against the demon for my Universal Championship!" He demanded

The crowd started chanting yes... Yes... Yes...

"Yeah Balor let's give the crowd what they want." He smirked. "By the way after beg defeated Alessia won't run back to your arms, he will be with a better man."

Finn's theme hits and he does his entrance. He threw his arms up in the air and finally started walking down the ramp.
He then jumped off the apron and stared at Seth Rollins.

"Wow! Man you just made me lost five minutes." He said looking into his wrist.

Finn just stared at him. "I heard you were challenging the demon?" He smirked.

"Yes! That's exactly what I want!" He laughed. "I'm gonna take away the title and stay with the chick." He smirked.

"Challenge is accepted." Finn said with dark eyes.

Yes... Yes... Yes...

Finn theme hits, he starts walking the ramp and stops and turns to face Rollins who was staring right at him.

"Get ready for the demon." He smirked. "He loves getting what he wants." He smiled creepily. "By the way I think the demon will always have the girl under its chest."

The screen was now playing a seen of Alessia in a red room, she was tight in a chair.

"Did you love meeting the demon?" A voice was heard from the background.

Alessia just stuttered "I-I"

"You what girl?" The win was now walking around her. "Did you love the demon kissing last show?" He smirked.

"I did." Alessia cried, shivering as he slid his fingers on her neck.

"I knew it."

Then everything goes back to where it was, Finn returned to the ring and attacked Seth Rollins.

After executing the inverted 1960 Finn step foot on Seth's chest holding high his Universal Championship, getting the crowd's reaction as he wanted.

You Are The One That I Don't Want - Finn Balor x Seth Rollins x CharacterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora