"He will come back Chorong". Chorong frowns with a smirk. "How do you know?" "Hmmm... Because I believe that your love is real". Both of them laugh again


"Bye unnie! May we meey again in future". "Sure we will. Take care Chorong!" "Ne!" They bid good bye. It will take some more time until they will meet again

"Chorong?" "Yes mom?". "Are you going out today too?" "Yes, why?" "Aigoo, you are leaving again? To where?". She hums. "Hmm, I'm going to see Soojung". Mrs. Jihyo shows some disappoinment in her face

"Why? Do you want me to take you out?" "Not me, but your son. Your dad is busy nowadays and he rarely take Suho out. I hope you can make it. You also can spend time with him"

"Okay, wait. Why does everyone keeps giving me advice as if I'm ignoring my son that much?". "Chorong, I know you are still sad about what happened between you and Suho. I mean, Joonmyeon. But you can't do this to your son, he needs your love and attention". "Mom, Suho is my son, my soul. Of course I love him!". "You love him but not enough honey. Not enough"

"Enough mom. I'm going to see Soojung". "Chorong, I'm not done. PARK CHORONG!Aigoo this kid"


"Jung Soojung". "Nn..ne?". Soojung feels goosebump when her name is called. "Someone is here to see you" "Ww..who?"

Soojung enters the room quietly. She is not brave enough to see who is coming to see her

"Hi Soojung". She looks up as she knows the voice well. "Cc.. Chorong?". "Yes,it's me". "Chorong I'm so sorry". Soojung kneels down and hugs Chorong's legs. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Forgive me Chorong. I was bad towards you. I tried to take Suho from you. And.. And I.. I killed Soyeon..." "Soojung enough!Okay, stop" Chorong shouts. "I'm not here to blame you or what ever. I'm here, because I need someone to talk. Please". Choronh cries

"I don't have anyone, anymore. Soyeon left us. You are here, prisoned. I'm so alone Soojung". "But at least you still have your family who loves you. A son as a reason to live. I have nothing Chorong"

"Says who? I'm not happy Soojung. I don't need anything else. I just want Joonmyeon to come back. He promised, only one year. But, it ends up nothing. Everytime I look at Suho, he reminds me of his dad a lot. It makes me to hate him more"

"Chorong, what are you saying? Suho is your son!" Chorong cups her face. "Know I understand how you felt before. When someone you love, ignore you, and left you behind. Exactly, I can feel it"

"No, friend. You are wrong. We are from two different ways. Too different". "How could you say that?" "Your love towards Joonmyeon, is not one sided love like mine. It's too real Chorong". Chorong smirks. "Are you sure?"

"He will come back. For you"


"I'm home~". Chorong closes the door behind her. "Great you are home dear. I'm going out to see my friend. Suho is sleeping in your room". "Will you come back late?" "Yes honey, somewhere at evening". Chorong sighs lightly. "Okay mom, I'll take care of Suho". "Good. I'm going". "Yeah, take care"

She walks up to her bedroom. Once she opens the door, she finds Suho is sleeping soundly in his baby court. She approaches her son. She stares at the face dearly. She is missing Joonmyeon, a lot

"Chorong, you can't do this Suho is your own son"
"Chorong what are you saying? Suho is your son!"
"Please take care of yourself, and our baby. I'll come back"

Chorong startles from her own dream. She just realizes that she has fallen asleep. She got up to check on Suho. "Suho, are you awaked?" But there is no sight of her baby in the court anymore. Chorong panick

"Suho?" Chorong goes to Mrs.Jihyo's room to find Suho. But it is empty, her mom also not yet home. "Suho, where are you?". Logically,it's impossible for Suho to walk out from his court. He still cannot walk on his own.

"Suho! Please answer me. Where are you at?! Suho this is mommy!"

"Yes mommy, I am here"

Chorong startles when she hears an unknown yet familiar voice in her ears. She quickly climbs down the stairs to meet that person. And shockingly...

"Su..Suho?" "Are you calling me or this baby?" Tears already streams down her cheeks. Chorong runs up to Joonmyeon and hugs him tightly. "Oohh, I miss you too". He still can joke around right now. Chorong let go of him

"I hate you" "I love you too". He pokes Chorong's nose. She smiles and wipes away her tears. "Are you crying because you miss me?". Chorong smirks. "Tch! Not at all! I was worried to death about Suho" "Me?" "Suho!Kim Suho!". This time, Joonmyeon smirks. "I know you missed me to death by his name"

Chorong glares at Joonmyeon before taking Suho into her arms. "You shouldn't take him while I was sleeping you know". "I just didn't want bother your sleep. By the way, you looked beautiful while sleeping. I cannot wait to sleep beside you after this"

Chorong's eyes round twomtimes bigger. "Kim Joonmyeon!"


Gosh sorry honeys for the delay. By the way, hope its not too late to with Happy Belated New Year!!!

Pffft 😌. Hope you are having good days

Will update epilogue after this . Stay tune

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