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English is not my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes.


*2 weeks later*

Harry's character has developed greatly these past few weeks, and Reina had never felt more proud of her husband.

He had shown his love for her with random acts of affection. From whispering sweet nothings to her before falling asleep, that made Reina's heart swell with love for him, to sneaking kisses on her lips every now and then.

But one of her greatest achievements was that Harry had altered his views towards many things, that he considered nonsensical or outrageous before.

Harry himself, preferred the new and improved version of his personality. He also felt honored that he was the reason behind Reina's smile, most of the times.

Now it's almost midnight and they are settled in their bed, half of Reina's body sprawled out on top of Harry's, her face nuzzled in his neck as he laid on his back. His right arm circled around Reina's back in a protective manner, while the other one was tracing patterns on her arm.

"Goodnight, Little Dragon." Harry whispered, his fingers still tracing her skin.

"Goodnight, my love." Reina said lowly, planting a kiss on Harry's chest. Harry smiled lightly at her action and soon they were both asleep.

Reina woke up, taking a sharp intake of breath. Looking around she realized that she wasn't in the room she fell asleep in, or a room in general.

Beside her laid Harry still sound asleep.

"Harry, wake up." Reina said almost shouting.

"What? What happened?" Harry said surprised by Reina's loud tone.

"Harry where are we?" Reina asked while panicking.

Harry's eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. "I- I don't know." he stuttered.

"What is this horrible smell? It reeks of garbage." Reina asked almost on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Reina! Calm down." Harry exclaimed when he saw his wife shaking visibly.

Harry stood up, helping Reina stand up as well. Harry led the way through what seemed like an alley. "Stay here, love." he said lowly. Reina nodded frantically. "Be careful, please." Reina replied in the same tone. Harry nodded curtly and proceeded moving forward.

"AYYEEEE" somebody shouted, making both Reina's and Harry's blood run cold. Reina quickly caught up with Harry's slow pace. He turned his head to look at her raising an eyebrow at her " I protect you, you protect me." She whispered and they continued walking.

They stopped walking when they saw a group of people laughing loudly.

"Boy, we gonna get LIT tonight." said a rather short male.

"Damn straight" a young woman, who looked like she was about to pass out, said.

"Ayyy, listen up y'all!" the leader, as Harry assumed, shouted "Let's head to Jamie's and get wasteeeed." he announced as loud cheering followed his words.

"Let's follow them." Harry whispered still looking at the weird people.

"Harry, we are still in our undergarments." Reina uttered while eyeing their clothes.

"Doesn't matter, love. Our undergarments still look better than what those people are wearing." Harry scoffed, making Reina let out a laugh that made Harry chuckle.

Following the strangers closely behind, trying not to attract too much attention, they finally reached a house. Young people were almost naked laying in the lawn in front of the house, which made Harry's and Reina's jaws drop in shock. "Let's go inside" Harry spoke still watching the insane people, while holding Reina by her waist protectively.

The rest of what happened was a blur. The only things that Reina remembers is her husband getting almost completely naked while dancing to a weird song, the lyrics were about having someone's baby. She doesn't know why, but it strangely reminded her of something. The other thing that she remembers is that Harry and her almost had sex on a counter in front of a whole crowd, which was chanting "Fuck, fuck, fuck." And-

Suddenly Reina woke up once again, sitting up on her bed, cold sweat running down her forehead. She whipped her head left and right, trying to determine where she was. When she discovered that she was in her and her husband's room she fell back down on the bed with a sigh of relief, replaying her dream in her head.

"Is everything alright, darling?" Harry asked concerned, since his wife woke him up with all the moving.

"Yes. Just a weird dream." Reina said letting out a breath.

"What was it about?" Harry asked letting out a yawn.

"I don't know, but it was lit." Reina chuckled wiping the sweat from her face with the back of her hand.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Nothing." She murmured and minutes later they both fell back to sleep.



i wrote this before realising that you wanted it to be related w the story, but oh well what you gonna do.

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