My other half

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Theres moments in life when you wanna give up. End everything. Think youre worthless. 

But, theres always that one person that passes threw your mind at the moment youre about to give up. 

Because of that person youre still here. && they dont even know how much they reallly mean to you. 

Its hard to fake a smile && say everything okay. When its not. It gets tiring. Having to deal with pointless drama. Gets tiring. 

But it's because of that person that you can. Because of that other half of you. Milly is that person to me.

She has stuck by me through everything (without judgement) and vise versa. she means the absolute world to me. people have yet to discover and understand this incomrehensible bond. its special and can never be broken. She is and always will be my baby gurl. i love her to the moon and back and forever more

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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