14. Discoveries

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  PART III: The Beginning of the End  

Harry let his hand slide reluctantly out of Hermione's, and followed Lupin out of the waiting area, almost too bewildered to speak. Behind him, he knew that the Weasleys and Hermione had instantly gone into speculation mode.

"So...Neville's parents have snapped out of it, huh?" Harry said, trying to sound like he was talking about an everyday occurrence.

"Apparently so," Lupin said, in a more relaxed tone of voice. "The Order sent me to check on them, for obvious reasons, and they asked for you. Neville and his grandmother were on their way; they're probably up there by now." Harry came to a stop in the middle of the corridor.

"But - I don't need to - Neville - shouldn't he have some time with them?" Harry finally managed to articulate. "He doesn't need me barging in there."

"They were quite insistent on seeing you," Lupin said. "I'm sure that Neville wouldn't begrudge you a short conversation with them." Harry looked as if he rather doubted this, but he resumed following Lupin down the hall.

"What happened? I mean, did they just come out of it all on their own?" Harry ventured after a moment.

"Actually it was a new potion given them. The Ravenclaw Foundation has been developing it. Augusta Longbottom gave her permission for it to be tried, but they really didn't think anything would come of it, because the catatonia was so long-standing. It also happened relatively rapidly, as well. I think it's caught everyone flat-footed." Harry looked at Lupin dubiously.

"The press?" was all he said. Lupin shook his head.

"They do not know about this. With Bellatrix Lestrange still out there, the news that the Longbottoms have recovered does not need to become common knowledge." Harry supposed that Lupin was correct; when he had come panting into the waiting area, he had only told a roomful of Order members, after all.

Harry was surprised when they finally arrived at a ward that Harry had never been to before. He had been expecting to go up to the closed ward again, where they had seen Gilderoy Lockhart, but he supposed that the Longbottoms had probably been moved somewhere more private. He looked at Lupin with trepidation, not really wanting to go through the double doors. Lupin unsealed the doors with a wave of his wand, and gestured for Harry to enter the room. He could hear voices, one of whom was saying,

"Dumbledore gone, Amelia Bones? I can't believe - " Everyone turned to look at Remus and Harry, as they entered.

There were two hospital beds ensconced within, each bearing a partially reclined figure. Neville sat on a chair near the far bed, looking somewhat dazed, as if Christmas had come early and he was still trying to process it. Augusta Longbottom stood ramrod straight nearby, an unreadable expression on her proud face. Her eyes, however, seemed suspiciously wet.

"H - Harry!" Neville stammered, standing up.

"Hi, Neville," Harry replied awkwardly. Neville's parents were like the proverbial elephant in the room. "How's the Herbology internship going?"

"It's going great," Neville said with unconcealed enthusiasm, the tension draining away for a moment. "I'm learning loads!" Harry noticed Frank and Alice Longbottom exchange fond glances with each other and then look back at Neville.

"So, you're Harry Potter," Alice said, with a slight smile on her worn, pale face. Her stark-white hair made her look older than she actually was. "You look very like James." Harry swallowed, feeling odd as always when confronted with people who knew his parents. Alice was speaking slowly, as if it took her just a bit longer to process the transition from thought to speech.

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