dragon training

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I woke up the next day looking for my brother. I gasped because I forgot about the dragon training that my father said to do. I got changed and ran to to the doors. Before I did I looked at my bow and arrow. I sighed and grabbed it and ran to the training area. I saw gates so I went inside and saw everyone including my brother there. "Late on the first day, Elizabeth. Looks like someone was busy yesterday". Gobbler said and I rolled my eyes and standed next to Hiccup. "Behind these doors, are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight. The deadly matter". He said and I heard fishlegs whisper something. "The hideous zipper back. The monstrous nightmare. The terrible terror...CAN YOU STOP THAT". Gobbler yelled at fish legs. "And...the gronckle". I heard fish legs whisper something to my brother. "W-wait aren't you going to teach us first". He said and hold in a laugh. "I believe on learning on the job". Gobbler said and he opened a gate and appeared a gronckle. everyone was running but I was standing there, I didn't care less, I watched the Gronckle fly around. "Today its about survival. If you get blasted, Your dead". Gobbler said and I yawned. "Quick, what's the first thing that your going to need". Gobbler said and I was thinking. "A doctor, bus five speed". I heard someone say and I had a idea. "A shield". Me and Astrid said at the same time. "Shield go".  Everyone went to go get a shield but I stayed behind and watched everyone doing bad. "The most important equipment is your shield". I heard Gobbler said and I sighed and leaned in a wall. "Hiccup get in there". Gobbler was telling my brother but he was hiding by the equipment. I giggled and watched the Gronckle fly and blast. "Snout lout your done". Gobbler said and I looked at Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup almost got blasted by the Gronckle. "One shot Hiccup". He said and the dragon was going after Hiccup. I got worried and ran over there. "Wait. stop". I yelled at the dragon. I went in front of my brother and pulled my hand out. The dragon stopped and looked at me. I saw his eyes soften. I was about to touch the dragons head when Gobbler pulled his mouth and back to the cage. "You'll get another chance don't worry. Remember a dragon will always. 'Always' go for the kill'". Gobbler said referring to me and my brother. My brother looked at me with confusion and I looked at him back. 

"So why didn't you". My brother said to himself and I looked around the forest. My brother was walking somewhere so I followed him. "Sister how can you bond with dragons". My brother said going into a cave like thing and I sighed. "I don't know brother". I said and we found a lake. I looked around for the dragons. "Well this was stupid". I brother saw white and black dots on the ground and he went topic it up. Then a black dragon flew in front of my brother and I gasped. I saw the night fury trying to fly but fail and fall to the ground. I looked around and saw the white dragon on the other side trying to fly to. I gasped and got my drawing book out and drew it's features. "Why don't you just fly away". I heard Hiccup say and I looked at the white dragon who had one fin missing so a erased the one I drew. Then my brother drop his pencil and both the dragons looked at us. I looked at the white one. I smiled at it. I could of sworn that I saw red on it's cheek.

(Time skip)

We were walking to the building to see the others. We heard the others talking about stupid things so we ignored them. "What did Hiccup and Elizabeth go wrong". Gobbler said and I grabbed the food and drink and sat across Hiccup from the other table. "There not where there should be". Astrid said and I looked at my brother who gave me a loving face.  "Thank you Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. The dragon Manuel. Everything we know about every dragon we know of". This got my attention. We heard a loud thunder storm. "No tax tonight. hurry up". Gobbler said and I looked at the book. "Wait we have to read". Tuff nut said and they started complaining. They all left and left me and my brother. I stand up and walked to the door. I looked at my brother who was staring at the book. "Are you coming Hiccup". I said and my brother smiled at me. "I think i'll stay here". He said and I gave him a sad smile. "I could stay with you if you want". I said and my brother shook his head. "You already read all the books about the dragons. Get some rest". He said and I smiled and walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "See you later and don't stay here to long". I said and my brother smiled. "I won't". He said and I went to the out the door and walked to the house. I went inside and walked up to my room. I got changed and went on the bed. "Why does everyone hate us". I whispered and let a tear run down my cheek and fell asleep. 


I was trying to fly but it was useless. Then I heard something, so I turned to the direction and saw the guys from yesterday. I saw the girl, She was looking at me. She smiled at me and I blushed. This girl is 'something'.

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