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My name is Lacie Parrish. I'm different. I know I'm different because I have been told so . When my mom, werewolf , got a new job in beacon hillsi was told I had to move there, and live with my brother, Jordan. I'm so exited to reunite with my childhood best friend, Lydia. I've been FaceTiming her every night for three years and when I mentioned moving to Beacon Hills, her reaction not only caused her dog prada to jump and go flying of her bed, but me to spill my Caramel latte from Starbucks. Great.
So what am I? Well some would say a werewolf but from what I hear, most werewolves don't grow tails or fur. Or in some extreme cases turn into a wolf. A giant wolf. . The tail I can deal with, the feeling of fleas and fur and not wearing clothes is slightly off putting.
Anyway, I've heard stories of an infamous wolf pack who've stopped kanimas and nogitsunes so I want to see for myself in the rumours are true. If there really is a true alpha. An if so I'll try and join our packs together.;

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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