Chapter 3

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    I woke up to see Ryan on the couch asleep with Parker in his lap,Maddie was still asleep I look at her

"Stay strong Maddie"I whisper and smiled then Parker woke up

"Hey buddy"I said and pick him up

"I'm hungry"he says I smiled

"Lets go get food then"I said and we went and got food McDonald's was his choice so we go to it good thing is there ain't no paparazzi here

  I woke up to see Parker and Chloe weren't here maybe they got food

"Dove?"A small voice says I see that Maddie is awake

"Hey Maddie"I said she looked at me

"What happened?"she asked

"Well you went unconscious"I said

"Where's Parker?"she asked worried

"Don't worry Parkers with Dove"I said

"Thank you...."she says

"Don t worry you and Parker are staying with us for now"I said

"Thanks"she says

"We're back!"Chloe's  voice says and they enter

"Hey buddy!"I said and Parker ran up to me

"Okay sweetie you need to eat"Chloe says

"Yay!"Maddie says and we started to eat then the doctor enters

"So.... you two ... I never thought you'll be here with kids... but you are anyways Maddie's fine now and you can go home"he says

"We are?"Parker asked

"Yes bud we are"I said he smiled and hug me

We decided to go shopping first once we got to the mall I picked Parker up and Dove held Maddie's hands which holder my other hand as well

"Okay kids pick anything you want"I said Chloe and Maddie started with clothes

"What do you want buddy?"I asked Parker

"He pulled me up to a cute little puppy toy I nod and we got it next we joined the girls to get some clothes and then we went to the bedroom isle where we got them there bed things

We got Parker a race car bed while Maddie's was a bed similar to the bed of Liv Rooney in the show we bought them car seats and a lot of stuff animals


We had to sleep at the guest room first cause our beds aren't set up yet

"Okay kids sleep time!"Dove says picking me up and Ryan picking Parker up

"Can't we go to bed with you?"Parker asked

"Yeah.... were not comfortable of sleeping with a big room yet"I said

"Okay"Dove says Ryan look at her and pout and we giggled

We laid down and sleep

Adopted (Dove Cameron /Ryan McCartan)Where stories live. Discover now