Chapter 3

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It had been nearly ten minutes before a butler came to get Lance for dinner. Though Lance did not answer due to being trapped on his balcony. The servant knocked once more before opening the door and peering in.
"Sir McClain? Are you in here?"
Lance saw the door open and took the chance to pound on the window. He got the butler's attention and the butler let him in. Lance didn't even take a second look before dashing out of his room and to the dining room. He stopped outside the door to catch his breath before opening the double doors and entering the room to see a big table with all his siblings sitting there. Allura sat at the opposite end of the room from their father due to their mother being ill. She never left her room except to go to the garden. It was her masterpiece. Lance took a seat next to Allura and the third oldest sibling, Mateo. He was definitely the little brother, though Lance and Allura had four younger siblings in total, Mateo was the closest to the two. Mateo could nearly figure out anything. Before anyone could say anything, Coran came from the kitchen followed by the chefs bringing in the food. Lance wasn't really hungry but just wanted to talk to Allura and their father about what Keith had asked him too. The thought of marrying Keith filled Lance's head. He was snapped out of it when Mari dashed in, being late as always. She tripped and fell with a loud thud.
Their father sighed.
"Can we never have a calming moment?"
Mari pulled out her camera. She was younger then Mateo but older then the twins, Marco and Maxine. She looked at their father.
"I saw someone from the shadow kingdom talking to big brother Lance while out in the garden with Momma! She wanted to see the flowers so i took her out when i heard Lance yell something! I looked up and saw the shadow guy on Lance's balcony!"
Everyone stopped eating and Lance froze.
"Lance. Is this true?"
There it was. The low growl of his father's voice. Lance took a deep gulp.
"It is... the Shadow King came to talk to me. He knew you wouldn't let him into the castle so he came to talk to me about talking to you about a deal... it would involve the shadow kingdom giving you some land... for... my hand...-."
Lance was interrupted by Allura.
"If you dare say your hand in marriage i will put you in the dungeons myself! You should be there anyway! Talking to a Shadow is extremely against Father's orders! And trading you for land! That's ridiculous!"
Lance stood up after pushing his plate away.
"First of all it's a great deal! I would finally get the happiness that was rudely ripped from my hands two years ago! News flash! The Shadow King, whose name happens to be Keith, was my boyfriend before dad decided for no reason that the shadow kingdom was our enemy!"
Before anyone could say anything else, Lance was away from the table and out the doors, the doors slamming behind him. He rushed to his room and collapsed on his bed as tears forced themselves past his eyelids. He sobbed and sobbed. All he wanted was to have Keith in his arms again.

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