1000 Points For Existing?

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Third Person POV

Harry left the carriage containing Luna and Neville. He took his Invisibility Cloak out of his school robe's pocket and, wrapping it tightly around him, made his way towards the back of the train. He could hear the mocking laughter from where he stood, taunting him and daring him to move closer. Malfoy's snickering could probably be heard all the way down the train. He advanced slowly closer to the carriage the Slytherins were sat in. Staring through the window at the people sat inside, he waited silently to see what they were laughing at.

"Do it again! Pretend to be Potter!" Pansy egged Draco on to repeat his impression. 

Malfoy stood up and placed his reading glasses back on his face before continuing."Oh dear! My parents died! My scar hurts! FUCK, my glasses fell off! I can't see my mudblood friend now, or my sidekick the Weasel! Oh by the way Dumbledore, please can you award Gryffindor 1000 points just because I'm alive? Oooh, sorry McGonagall. I can't make it to detention because I'm too busy breaking other rules and blatantly disregarding everyone." He finished speaking and took a bow, his goons laughing when his glasses fell off his face. 

The carriage erupted with cackling and Malfoy glanced at the window where Harry was standing, unseen. The chorus of laughter came to a halt when Pansy noticed Draco's expression. "You okay Dray?"

Malfoy stared at the window for a few more seconds before noticing that raven-haired girl had spoken. "Uh...umm- yeah I'm fine. I just felt like someone was watching me for a minute." He took his seat again but kept staring intently at the glass.

Malfoy's POV

I could feel someone's eyes on me as I started talking to my friends again. Whipping my head around to glare at the window, my eyes widened at what I saw. Nothing. No movement; I saw nothing at all. I still had the feeling like someone, or something, was watching me. I stood up and walked towards the door, feeling extremely nervous but hiding it with a smirk.

"Where are you going Dray?" Pansy. She's a pain in the ass sometimes. She always worries that I'll be in trouble and she won't be able to save me... or some bull like that.

"Bathroom. That okay?" I teased, laughing off her concern. She nodded in approval and I slid the door open.

I glanced around the length of the train but there was no-one anywhere near. In fact, the nearest person was roughly ten feet away, and I knew they couldn't have moved that fast. "POTTER! Get the hell out from under that damn thing before I freakin' hex you!" I shouted this at empty space. It earned me some strange looks but if Potter was actually there, then it would pay off.

The area in front of me shifted, revealing a very shocked and dishevelled Harry. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" I venomously spat the words at him, angry at the son of a b--... sorry, basilisk who was spying on me. "This is Slytherin territory! Piss off now Scarface, before I hex your ass!"

Harry lifted his head to glower at me. "Don't bad-mouth Ron or Hermione, ever again. Or maybe you'll end up being the one who is hexed." That seemed like a threat. Or a challenge.

"Was that a threat four-eyes? I told you not to mess with me!" I drew my wand at this point to attempt to scare some respect into him. Placing it against his throat, I growled out "I said, LEAVE!"

I removed my wand from against his throat but I kept it aimed towards him. He nodded in respect and defeat but not before he shot a glare my way. He trudged away and I turned back to my compartment. Pansy's face was pressed up against the glass, staring at me in amazement. I slid the door open and was greeted by a blockade of questions.

"What the hell just happened!?!"

"Did he threaten you?"

"Why was he here???"

"I thought you said you were going to the bathroom!"

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