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"You guys almost escaped. Just let your gaurd down a bit too soon," he grins at us. Ethan checks his watch. "You may not hurt us, two hours has passed five minutes ago," he says with a smirk. The leader sighs and let's go of Cath. "You are lucky this time. Now get lost before I change my mind," he tells us. We quickly grab our bags and run out the door. We keep on running till we are completely out of Bastino. "That was close!" I say. The other two nods, catching their breath. I look up at the sky and see it is almost midday. "Guys, we need to go!" I tell them and we start walking towards the woods. After another four hours of walking, we are finally safely inside of the woods. "Okay, Cath. Where to now?" Ethan asks. She looks around and then gestures for us to follow her. We start walking again until Cath suddenly stops. "It should be here somewhere!" she tells us. She looks up at the sky and notices that it is almost dark. "We need to find that shelter," she yells at us. We all start frantically searching. I spot something near one of the trees. Once there I take a closer look and notice it's a hole. "Guys, come check this out!" I call to them. They run over to me and Cath gasps. "Oh, no! The shelter is destroyed! What are we going to do now?" she starts crying. I think and think, but I simply can't come up with an idea. "Maybe we should just try and dodge the stuff?" Ethan asks. Cath looks at him. "Are you a bloody idiot?! Dodging a meteor shower?!" she screams at him. "Calm down, both of you. Maybe we'll be lucky and the meteor shower doesn't hit this part of the forest," I tell them. They just nod. We all huddle up and look at the sky, waiting for it to begin. Soon enough, it is pitch black outside. After another half an hour, we see a tiny orange dot in the sky, growing bigger and bigger by the second. "It's heading right to us!" Cath screams and jumps up. We follow suit and run after her. Once we are out of reach, we hear a massive boom as the meteor hits the ground. Soon after we hear more loud noises as the meteor shower keeps on hitting earth. We run until we are out of the woods. "Let's go to Linross, maybe it wasn't hit yet!" I tell them. They nod their heads and we run in the direction of Linross. Cath suddenly trips, and we quickly help her up, and we continue running again. The meteor shower hitting even closer to us. We speed up a bit, when suddenly, one hits almost directly in front of us. We jump to the right to avoid getting hit by it, but then we have to jump to the right. "We have to get out of here!" Ethan shouts. He runs forward, expertly dodging the meteor showers. I look at Cath and she looks at me. I nod in Ethans direction, and she nods her consent. We run after Ethan. Soon we are out of reach of the meteor shower. "Come on! Linross is this way!"He yells at us. We keep on running untill we finally get to Linross. Once we catch sight of it, we immediatly stop in our tracks. The entire town was destroyed. "Maybe we can find a car," Cath tells us. "Who knows how to drive? I know I don't!" I tell them. "I can," Ethan and Cath says at the same time. "Okay, let's go look for a car!" Ethan says. We run into the town and start scouring the streets in search of a car. "Guys! Over here!" Cath yells. We run to her where she had found a red Renault. "How full is the tank?!" Ethan asks her. She looks at the meter. "Basically full," she answers him. Ethan nods and motions for her to move over as he climbs into the driver's seat. i scoot into the back seat as they hotwire the car. Soon they have it started and we're driving down the road. Now in the safety of the car, I look out the window at Linross. A tear comes to my eye as I see the damage that was done. Everywhere there was fires and buildings were completely destroyed. I close my eyes and lean my head against the window. I hear Cath and Ethan talking, but I am to tired to listen. I close my eyes and slowly drift of to sleep. Unfortunately, not a very peaceful sleep.

SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Human by Christinna Perrie

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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