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You heard her get out! (Kicks them out)-Ruth

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

You heard her get out! (Kicks them out)-Ruth


I think you broke my ass-Jack

Your so lucky I don't have anger issues-Angelo

You fucken as-...-Wolf

(Closes the door) there-Ruth

Was that really necessary?-me

Yes, that was the dare besides they wouldn't leave us alone!-Ruth

You don't leave me alone!-me (sits in couch)

I'm not suppose to, I'm your boyfriend after all-Ruth (also sits on couch and hugs me)

You have to pay wolf 100 dollars just letting you know-me

You have to pay wolf 100 dollars just letting you know-me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


You lost the kids last time-me


(Pushes him away) you also have to take them to the zoo so bye!-me (pushes him out)

But!-...(door closes) stupid wolf..-Ruth (walks to the zoo)

Alright now what do I have to do?-me

Alright reacting to an insanity song!-me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Alright reacting to an insanity song!-me

Why is that pokemon so damn evil!!!-me

(Sees the pokemon have blood on his mouth) it's confirmed, he's a vampire pokemon-me

(Sees the evil pokemon on top of the good pokemon) oh um...that totally doesn't look wrong at all, nope I totally don't have a dirty mind where it looks like he's about to get raped, nope not at all-me

(Sees the evil pokemon bitting the other pokemon) *gasp* cannibal!!!-me

That was a very deep video, especially for pokemons-me

With Ruth

I'm here, you happy!-Ruth

Pay up-Wolf (holds out hand)

Ugh...(hands money)-Ruth

Thanks! Now time to get food!-Wolf

(Rolls eyes then sees the kids) we meet again you little devils-Ruth

Look it's the fuckboi!-Nicho

Hello fuckboi!-Zio

It's Ruben or Ruth which ever you prefer-Ruth

(Pulls in Ruth shirt) I want to see the zebras-Naomi

Alright let's go (pushes the stroller that carries the babies) please don't do anything stupid-Ruth

That's my middle name!-Zio

Says who?-Ruth

Nicho said it was-Zio

Haha (runs away)-Nicho

Nicho! Come on!-Ruth

Are we playing again?-Zio

No zio we are not-Ruth

But I don't want to play, I want to see the zebras! (Starts crying)-Naomi

We will okay, we just have to find Nicho, and chain him to the stroller...-Ruth

Look I see him!-Zio

Nicho come here!-Ruth (gets closer to Nicho)

Nope! Look fuckboi I can see the lions!-Nicho (is really close to the lion den)

Nicho your going to fall!-Ruth

You can't tell me what to-....ahhh!-Nicho

Nicho!-Ruth (runs to where he is)

Oh no Nicho is going to die!-Zio

(Cries) Nicho is going to die and we haven't seen the zebras yet!!!-Naomi

(The babies also start crying) okay we need to calm down I'll get him just stay here okay-Ruth (jumps inside the den)

Is he going to die in there?-Naomi


Fee minutes later

Never again will I babysit (covered in scratches and bite marks)-Ruth

You suck at being a hero-Nicho

Look at the zebras!-Naomi

Hey guys I'm back!-Wolf

Can we stay here a little longer?-Nicho


Let's see the tigers next!!-Zio

No more please! (Faints from blood loss)-Ruth

Truth Or Dare (Special Edition: Dare me and Ruben)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin