Dimensions, Pickle Chips, and EVERYTHING NOT to do Before Brunch

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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Cold, that's the only word that Daniel Bearan could think of, it wasn't so much a freezing cold, but more of a lingering cold. Because he was cold Daniel made a cup of tea and sat down to watch some T.V , nothing good was on Daniel decided to check the thermostat it was 70 degrees, not enough to make Daniel cold, at 4:00 in the morning there isn't much to do... unless you could dimension jump... which Daniel couldn't. Daniel went to lay down, 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door "Who would come to someone's house at this time of night... or is it day?" so, Daniel went to the door and opened it, suddenly a bag was thrown over his head and Daniel Panicked after thrashing for a minute he couldn't breathe and he passed out his body was then dragged to the back of a car and was thrown into it. Daniel started breathing, he was lying next to a girl who was abducted with him and he was driven away with the low drone of a motor unaware of what would happen next.

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