Perk One.

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Whoever said this was going to be rainbows and sunshine, let me inform you that you are the biggest liar in the entire universe. Both muggle and wizardry, alike.

I promise there are rainbows and sunshine in my life. I won't complain about them at all. They can be pretty great, but it's not just that. 

But moving on from the daily forecast of my life...

I was named after two father figures of my own father.

My first name is the name of his biological father, my grandfather, and my middle name is the name of his godfather. Dad likes to tell us stories that his god-father shared about them both. Even Professor Minnie comes along and tells us stories about the four boys that drove her insane but loved them as if they were her own sons. I just still need to figure why they drove her insane in the first place. There has to be some sort of trick that they had. 

Grandpa James and Sirius tragically died when my dad was young, trying to protect him yet leaving him with about no other person he could consider a father figure. Grandpa James died when my dad was just a year old, while Sirius died when he was about 15 or 16. Can't remember what he told me. But it was years later that he actually call my Grandpa Arthur "dad". It was by accident too, but I think it made my grandpa's day.

I also ended up inheriting or more like obtaining his stubbornness and I have now fully come to accept that with great pride. My mother, on the other hand, doesn't like it very much.

Now that I have mentioned my mother, maybe I should say something about her. 

She protects, she attacks, but most importantly, she really can beat your arse in Quidditch. My mother is the chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, which by all means; Harpies has to be our family's favorite team. No excuses and no other option. She is thinking about retiring and being a writer for Quidditch column for the Daily Prophet. I just tell her to follow her gut.

But enough about my parents.

I have two other siblings, that are also named after dead people.

I think the majority of my cousins are either named after dead people or older generations. It's weird to think about it at times.

Little brother is named Albus Severus, after some people my dad considers to be heroes. Both were a great help in his survival during his time at school; one more than the other. After having gone to Hogwarts, Al wasn't too fond of either Albus or Severus's portrait, which is why he started to call himself "Al." We just went with it. He is the one that looks more like dad. Green eyes and all.

The little monster, I mean, little sister is named Lily Luna. Named after my grandma Lily and our aunt Luna. She looks more like mum, really. Lily was the only one of us three that was born with red hair and freckles that looked like I had gotten brown paint and splattered it all over her body when she was just a baby. Grandma Molly says that Lily looks like Grandma as well, except the eyes. 

Then there's Teddy Lupin. Teddy suffered the same fate my dad did when he was just a baby. Dad sat us down one time and told us why Teddy was living with us in the first place. His parents died the same day that our dad along with Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione saved themselves and the world. Teddy's parents made my dad his godfather, which explains why dad calls him "son". He usually spends the weekends with us and spends the rest of the days with his Grandma Andy. Teddy is also named after his own grandfather, who sadly, is also dead.

I guess this starts the list of "so-called" perks of being his firstborn.

Perk One – You get named after the coolest dead people well... First.


This is a new style I'm trying out for this story. I apologize if it's a bit of a mess. It is meant to be read as if James is the one writing/saying this. 

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