Highschool Day 6 part 1: bit of a time skip

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Shizuo's POV:
I've studied for this test there's no way I can fail. If I fail I can't go on a date with my sweet adorable Izaya.
"I will pass".
After completing my test, I gave my paper to the teacher. I looked over at Izaya to see already finished and fast asleep.
"So cute", I thought.
After lunch the teacher gave us back our test.
And I cried..
"Shizu-chan what's wrong", Izaya asked me.
"I got a 93, it feels like I'm dreaming".
I wiped my tears and hugged Izaya.
"Thank you for tutoring me".
"Hey Shizu-chan"?
"Coud you let go I can't breathe"?
I let him go.
"So cute", I thought.
"This is the highest score In ever got in math".
"Do you want to see my score"?
He had gotten a 100%.
"That test was easy, but I'm proud that you passed Shizu-chan".
He had smiled.
"Izaya-chan, um...I remembered you said if I passed I get to go on a date", I whispered.
"I studied so much for this and worked so hard, I get to go on a date with Izaya-chan", I thought.
"Then we'll go after school".
"Okay, Shizu-chan".
Izaya reached up and patted me on the head.
"Good job on passing Shizu-chan".
He was blushing after he was done.
"Thanks for the tutoring without I don't think that I would have been able to pass".
"Hewajima-kun", the teacher said as he walked over to me.
"Yeah Sensei"?
"You won't have to take supplementary classes for now, but if you don't keep up your grades you might have to further on. Also Orihara-kun, could you please continue to tutor him, like everytime we go over something new in class explain it to him like you have been".
"Sure because I want him to pass as well", Izaya-chan said.
"Good I hope you do well Hewajima".
"Y-Yes sir", I shouted.
He walked back to his desk and I felt a pat on my back.
"We'll work even harder so that won't happen".
"Some how I feel like I've dug my own grave", I said.
Izaya was giving a creepy smile.
"Its just if you don't pass this year I'll move out since I would be a distraction to your studies".
No that can't happen, I will pass so Izaya can stay close to me and so I can see him every morning, I will not fail. Never..
After school I waited by the gate for Izaya. Apparently he was grabbing books from the library.  Instead of actually borrowing them he was going to buy them so I could write in them.
I feel like he's doing so much for me, but I guess it's because he's living with me.
"Hey don't you think that blonde os handsome", I heard people whisper.
"Yeah but that's Shizuo Hewajima", another one said.
"Shizu-chan", I heard Izaya shout.
"Something cute has entered the battlefield", one of the people said.
He was carrying books but then he trippped and fell on top of me.
"Hey are you alright", I asked while sitting up.
"Yeah, I'm sorry", Izaya said while blushing.

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