I Will Be Your Sky/auslly

Start from the beginning

She turned to look at him and started laughing uncontrollably at the expression on his face, a mixture of shock and awe and fear, until he came to his senses and the next thing he knew he was down on one knee, holding a ring out to her.

Her eyes widened as she stopped laughing and he quietly asked, "Ally, will you marry me?" and that's all he had to say because their relationship isn't the kind that's ever needed a lot of words even though she's really, really good at writing them.

"Yes," she whispered and then she sank down to her knees in the grass and kissed him and both of their hands were trembling just a little bit as he slid the ring on her finger.

And now, eight months later, the wedding was planned and they had somehow managed to keep the location a secret from the press and tomorrow was the day that Ally Dawson would become...well, actually, she would stay Ally Dawson because she's "a strong, independent woman" but he's going to call her Mrs. Moon in his head. Or maybe out loud, if she lets him.

He's less than five minutes away from their house now and he knows she's home because Trish had smartly decided to throw Ally's bachelorette party last night. Apparently she hadn't passed on this advice to Dez, which is why he's still awake at 2:30 am the morning before he's supposed to get married. He knows he's going to be waking her up and he feels bad about it for a second as he pulls into the garage but he also knows she'll forgive him.

He opens the door quietly and takes off his shoes on the way to the bedroom and then he strips down to his boxers and joins his bride-to-be in bed.

"Ally," he whispers. "Ally, wake up."

She's sleeping on her side, facing away from him and she stirs a little when he calls her name but doesn't wake up. He places a hand on her shoulder and shakes her just a little bit and then she rolls over on to her back and blinks sleepily up at him.

"Austin? You're not supposed to be here," she says, her voice groggy. "I thought you were staying at the hotel. You know, so you don't see me on the day of and all that."

He rolls his eyes. "You know I don't care about that."

She smiles. "But your mom does."

"Screw it," he says, and then he kisses her. It takes her a few seconds to respond but then he feels her arms wrap around his neck as she pulls him closer. He kisses her for a minute and then he settles down next to her, turning on his side to face her. She does the same and scoots closer to him, definitely more awake now.

"How come you're here?" she asks, then pauses. "Not that I'm complaining."

He grimaces. "There were strippers. I got out of there before the lap dances started."

She frowns. "Dez got you strippers?"

He shakes his head. "No, it was some idiot from the record label. I'm pretty sure Dez only planned the first half because we played Zailiens laser tag and it was awesome."

He shudders. "They were dressed like cheerleaders, Ally."

She purses her lips, trying not to laugh at his obvious distaste. "But you love cheerleaders," she says teasingly. "They're one of your top three favorite things."

"I have new list," he says. "Two out of the three are still the same, though."

"So what replaced cheerleaders?"

"Groupies," he says without skipping a beat, and he watches her, trying not to laugh as her eyes widen.

"What?" she hisses, her jaw dropping. "Groupies? As in the girls that surround our tour bus trying to get you to go home with them even though I'm obviously there?"

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