Call Him Anything/auslly

Start from the beginning

She giggled and shrugged her shoulders, causing Austin's chin to move up with them too. "You don't have to. Besides, you'll be late to your first period."

Austin loved how she thought of others before herself. She wasn't self centered. Could she be any more flawless? She was any guys dream.

A chuckle left his mouth before removing his chin from her shoulder and turning her around to face him. She placed one hand on his chest since the other one was occupied holding her math textbook.

"Who cares? You come first."

Ally raised both her eyebrows as she looked at him.

"What? It's the truth."

She giggled and shook her head. "Oh Austin, what am I going to do with you?" she asked herself. Austin let go of her waist and reached down for her hand intertwining them. He noted on how they fit perfectly. As if it was meant for him. And no one else. He dreaded to picture Ally with any other male that isn't him.

He shook his head, not wanting more of these thoughts to invade his mind. Instead he concentrated on Ally and how he wasn't ever going to let her go. She was a once in a life time opportunity, she meant everything to him, if he lost her, he would be undeniably crushed. Part of the reason on why he's so protective of her. He's scared that one day another guy will come and sweep her off her feet and steal her from him.

He felt the eyes of living figures, as he walked down the hallway, walking his favorite girl to her first class. He noted how the males in the hall glared at their intertwined hands.

He smirked, the word Mine echoing in his head.

When they had reached her class, he didn't hesitate on going inside and walking her to her desk. He felt the loving stare of girls and the glaring of jealous boys but he couldn't care less. When she had sat down on her desk, he couldn't help himself and took the risk of getting detention, he kissed her. It was quick, much to his disappointment, but Ally gets embarrassed when they kiss in public, she'd rather do it in private. So what did he do? He reached for her one-inch binder and covered their faces before leaning in and brushing his lips with hers again.

Ally giggled at his crazy yet flattering antics.

He didn't keep count for how long they kissed this time. But the sound of Mr. Conley clearing his throat brought him back to reality. He pulled away, and removed the binder from both their faces, revealing Ally's blushing face and his huge grin.

He apologized but didn't sound apologetic in any way. "See ya later, babe." he kissed her once more and then waved goodbye and made his way out of her class heading to his. Who cares if he was late? He certainly didn't. He showed those dirty minded boys that Ally Dawson was Austin Moon's girl.

And he would keep it that way.


* Hugs Mean: Don't Talk To Her


She looked flawless. He hadn't ever seen her with a two piece bikini on. Ever. It was her first time wearing one, but thanks to Trish's persuasiveness, she finally wore one. And he couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the view. Because he was. He really really was. The sun shined on her creamy white skin, it made her brown curly locks look amber colored and her brown eyes sparkled liked the clear blue Miami water in front of them. He was staring at her with his mouth open. Dez even called him out and said he was drooling a little. But apparently he wasn't the only one.

A few boys who were seated under a rainbow colored umbrella wolf-whistled at both Ally and Trish, as they walked down the shore. One was even drooling! But the only difference was he was drooling much worse than Austin!

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