Hadley the beautiful christine Dae!

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Once we all got to the venue me and Hadley sat Ramin and Anabeth down in my dressing room.

"Ok so either you two are planning something or you want to ask us something" Ramin asked suspiciously.

"We want to ask you something" Hadley replied.

"Go on"

"Ok so if you two were to pick...who would you choose out of us two?"

"Depends on what we are picking you for!" Anabeth replied.

"Just to have around and which you prefer" We gave them a moment to think before Hadley couldnt wait any longer.

"Anabeth we will start with you"

"Well Hadley is my boyfriend but...Its thanks to Sierra that i am doing my dream job and i have my dream man so im going with Sierra babe. Sorry" Hadleys face dropped.

"Anabeth...i was depending on you to say me" he wined like a four year old toddler would.

"I told you shed pick me" i snarked.

"Ramin. Save me mate...please. Just say me"

"Why?" Ramin asked confused.

"Just...say...me" Hadley replied through gritted teeth.

"I do love you mate but me and Sierra have known each other alot longer so im going with Sierra. But you are followed closely." Hadley did a dramatic NOOOOOOO and fell to the floor with his head in his hands.

"YESSSSSSSS" I ran up to Anabeth and hugged her. Then quickly kissed Ramin.

"You are both in for a treat" i climbed over Hadley who was evil eyeing both Ramin and Anabeth.

"This one will do just fine" I showed them all, holding a long blue sparkly dress which would easily fit Hadley.

"I hate you both...i hate you so much"

The show quickly came around and we found out we would be having a special guest perform a couple of numbers near the end. While she was performing me Anabeth and Ramin had to chase Hadley around backstage trying to get the dress on him. He kept dodeging us but eventually Ramin rugby tackled him to the floor and we managed to get the dress on.

"Better warm your soprano voice up Miss Dae" Ramin joked to Hadley, holding out his crown.

"Gimmie that" Hadley moaned as he snatched the crown from Ramin. and placed it angrily on his head with a pout.

"Ladies and gentlemen. You have all been amazing tonight. Thank you for your continued support and as we said at the beginning of the show we do have a suprise. So i would like to welcome onto stage our new Miss Christine Dae."

Hadley refused to come on and tried to turn around but before he could run Ramin picked him up over his shoulders and carried him on stage. The crowd burst into fits of laughter as Ramin placed Hadley down.

"Come on Hadley, let me see you shine" i joked and nudged his shoulder.

"Band. Take it away"

From the beginning of the song to the end he performed as the beautiful Christine Dae. The crowd loved it and me, Ramin and Anabeth couldnt contain our laughter. Hadley finished the song and bowed, the crowd erupting into cheers. I made a good memory with that bet!

"I would just like to dedicate that song to my girlfriend Anabeth who thanks to her. I had to sing it for picking Sierra over me"

"And thank you to Ramin who also picked me over Hadley. For those who dont know Hadley made a bet that Anabeth and Ramin would pick him over me and they both picked me so this is his forfeit." The crowd once again laughed. We all then bowed and Hadley got another bow and then we all trotted off stage.

Hadley threw the crown from his head and then pulled the dress off and handed it to me.

"Remind me to never make a deal with you...ever again" Hadley moaned as he grabbed Anabeths hand and dragged her away as she contiued laughing.

"Someones in trouble for laughing" i shouted to Anabeth.

"Ill kiss him and shut him up. He cant resist" she shouted back while he dragged her around a corner. I laughed and threw my dress on ramin.

"Save this for me. I need to run to my dressing room."

"Why arnt you taking it to your dressing room?"

"I need to get it ready and sorted out for the party tomorow! Thats the dress im wearing" Ramin nodded and smiled.

Anabeth quickly came around the corner.

"I still needed to get changed so my captor released me." She said while still laughing. She hooked onto my arm and we walked to our dressing room.

"Meet me at mine and hadleys yeh?" Ramin asked as we walked around the corner.

"Yeh will do!"  I shouted.

we ran round the corner and walked into our dressing room.

"Sierra. Ive been waiting for you. What took you so long" both me and Anabeth stopped dead in our tracks.

"Tam? What are you doing here?"

"I want you back"

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