I have to say something

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Parker p.o.v

When I got to Shelby's I couldn't help but want to tell her how I felt "You seem quite today" Shelby said looking at me I didn't know what to say should I tell or should I make something up "um yeah I just have a lot on my mind" i say "stupid" I say to myself in my head "what's been on your mind" she asked "um you know my show and stuff" I said "ugh why am I so stupid" I ask myself in my head "oh yeah I bet that can be kind of stressful" she said then turned on the t.v "what to you want to watch" Shelby asked "I don't care" I tell her she turns it on to some show and we start watching should I tell her how I feel or should I just not say anything maybe I should tell her another time or maybe just not at all

Shelby's p.o.v

Parker is acting really weird today I wonder if he knows something does he know I like him or maybe he likes me don't think like that Shelby if he did like me he would say something right? Maybe it is just his show did something there that he's not telling me ugh stop thinking like this just relax if he wants to she something or if something happened he'd tell me I just can't emagen what it is that has him acting like this tho it must be bad

Skip to one hour  later

Parker p.o.v

It's so awkward just sitting here in silence maybe I should say something or maybe wait a bit longer to see if she has something to say or ugh why is life so hard just say something anything "I like..." I start saying but cought myself "What do you like?" Shelby asked with a puzzled look " l-l l-like hanging out with you" I say slowly she looks at me weirdly "I like hanging out with you to" she said why am I such an idiot

Shelby's p.o.v

Well that was weird

Skip to 20min later

Shelby's p.o.v

Hey Parker I was wondering if you want to record a video tomorrow "sure" he says great, what do you want to record I ask "um I don't know" he said well we can figure it out later I told him "yeah that sounds good" he says this'll be my chance to tell him he needs to now

Parker p.o.v

Ok Parker tell her tomorrow and don't mess up this time

30min later

Parker p.o.v

I should probably get going I say to her " um ok talk to you tomorrow" she said as started to leave once I got home I couldn't help but want to call her and tell her how I feel but I'm to scared

Shelby's p.o.v

Should I've told him or am I doing the right thing by waiting but I can't wait any longer then tomorrow

Both p.o.v

Tomorrow I'll say something about how I feel......tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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