Chapter 9: Worried

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Min yoongi's pov

I am peacefully walking when i notice that there is no footsteps behind me......because I know she is only behind me

I came back where i left her...and think that she is still there...but there is no signs of hye rin

I get nervous...because of the feeling that she is missing ...

I keep shouting her name but there is no response from her...

and because of that it scares the sh*t out of me...

"hye rin!!!...hye rin!!!eodiya!(where are you)"i shouted

....and the I hear a shout from the one narrow dark part of the alley......and it sounded that she is shouting for help

"help!!!!!!....Master yoongi!!!!!"the girl said

and then it hit me

it's hye rin..

I quickly run through the dark part of the alley....

while i am running i hear a loud bang from where hye rin shout....

and the nervousness strike at me again....

when i am there where they are....i can feel my blood boil in the sight of the man is trying to rape hye rin...

i can't control myself....i don't know what can i do to that this time i don't want to kill someone...

I grab his arm and turned him around and quickly punch him on the face....

I punch him until he collapsed on the floor....but suddenly hye rin also collapsed on the floor......I don't know what to do

I quickly go to her and put her head on my lap.....I shake her, slapped her slightly to wake her up but there is no response....

I carry her on bridal style and put her to my car......but I remember......I didn't bring my car......Shit!

I bring her to the nearest hospital here.....when I enter the hospital the nurse see us....and help me to put hye rin on the stretcher....(sorry i don't know the name of the bed that have wheels and the doctors push it so that they can quickly bring the patient on the emergency room or on their own room)

the nurses and doctors quickly rush to us to bring hye rin to the emergency room.....

when we already there.....the nurse said that i can't go inside.....that's why i wait the doctor to come here outside
i am so nervous and i can feel my hands trembling

i walk back and forth waiting for the doctor ro come

after 40 min.

the doctor come outside the ER(emergency room)

i quickly go to him to ask what is hye rin condition...

"um doc. what hye rin okay now??"

"yes she's okay now....she will be discharge later.....let's just wait for the x-ray result...okay"

"okay...thank you doc"i said and bow
"but doc can i visit her now??"

"yes you can"he said and leave

i quietly entered hye rin's room....and see the girl that is lying on the hospital's bed sleeping quietly....

i approach her slowly preventing to wake her up....i pull the chair beside her bed and sit there....

I put my hand on her's.....and intertwined it....

It's past 12:00 and I can feel my eyes getting heavy and I think i should sleep for now...
hi guys sorry for the lame chapter......I know I'm not good at english but don't worry i will work hard for it....

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