We're all K's okay

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   His tattoos, they're what made me notice him, he was a medium built guy but those tattoos, they made me wanna be his. When I moved here last year I didn't really notice anyone, I just wanted to blend in and get out of here so I can go off to college or whatever was out there for someone like me. It was my junior year of highschool, now I'm a senior and so glad to be getting out of here soon. Just five months to go then I was school free, and home free too. My home life wasn't the best, but I guess no one out there has the best life. 

   My name is Kaydence Macoin, I'm seventeen, about to be eighteen next week, January fourth, legally an adult. Not that it matters where I live, my parents always treat me like a child, should'nt be surprised I suppose. They have five kids, and I'm the oldest. I have four younger brothers, Kent who's sixteen, Kagen who's fourteen, Kenny who's ten, and Kavanah who's five. Yes, all K's lot's of laughs here, yeah, not really. Our parents are Kandy, and Kevin so yes all K's. Luckily, I have the three best friend's ever. Olly, he's eighteen already, and Mae, who's sixteen and a junior, and Lizzie who's seventeen also a senior. We've been friend's since I moved in last year. They're such nice people, not popular, but not nerds either, not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just nice to not be picked on, and having friend's that people like is always good.

   "Kaydence, your friend's are here, if Mom asks tell her I went next to hang out with Patrick" "Alrighty Kent, be safe, and be back soon it's your turn to babysit the brats since I'll be gone" "We're not brats Kaydi, you're a brat" "Whatever Kenny, go play with toys" "Kaydence, oh em gee, girl guess what?" "Mae, oh em gee what?" "Patrick's tattooed brother Nate is having a party at his friend's house and everyone is invited, so let's go" "What?, no I can't go" "Kaydi, it's Nate, the guy you've been crushing on, please, and he might notice you" "In that case, no, definitly not now" "Way to go Mae, geez, come on K, just go" "No, Olly, and no Lizzie because I know you'll ask next." "Riah is gonna be there, and you know how on and off again her and Nate are, are you sure you don't wanna go so you can stop them from getting together again?" "No, Lizzie, nice try though" "Well, I thought I'd try, sorry guys, but I gotta go, parent's want me home tonight, tell me how the party goes tomorrow" "Bye Lizzie" "Olly you better go home too, don't want to get in trouble since you're technically grounded" "Yeah, I better, see you guys tomorrow, let me know how it goes Mae and K" "K isn't going, Mae can, but I won't be" "We'll see K, we'll see"

   Three hours later, I'm dressed in a pretty black dress that goes to my knees and black flats with a white sweater over my dress, and my black hair straight down my back, no make up. I don't wear that, and Mae knows that which is why she said since I'm going then I don't have to dress my face up, her words not mine. She got me to go, because she called Kent and he and Patrick came home and said he was back to babysit and Patrick offered to help. So, Mae being Mae mentioned it to Patrick and Kent and they told me to go. So, here I am getting ready for a party I didn't wanna go too. Yippee. "K, are you ready?" "Yes, Mae, let's go" So we left and walked up the road to Nate's friend Henry's house, Nate and Patrick are siblings but Nate is having the party at Henry's house and he lives down the road from me. So many cars are lined up outside, good thing we walked. Mae has short red hair and has her feet in high heels with a jean skirt and tank top with a sweater over it, we're kind of nuts with what we're wearing. But if you wanna make an entrance like Mae always says then you gotta be able to make a good appearance. Show up on time, look good, leave em wanting more. I don't know, Mae is a weird one, but I love her. She has a thing for Henry, maybe she'll get with him tonight. I guess we'll see then.

   Mae and I walk up to the porch and just walk in since the door is open, and the first person I see is Nate the tattooed guy I've like for about a year. Not that he'd ever notice me, but it's fine, I'm only here to graduate then I'm gone. I wanna be a doctor, and I've applied to all out of this state colleges and so far I've gotten in the main ones I've wanted. Just need to figure out how to let the parents know. They're both at work, Mom's a lawyer, one of the best. And Dad is  a Judge, weird right? They're both sort of in the same profession, they met in college twenty years ago, and about a year and a half later they had me, then so on and so forth til five of us was here. We all have dark hair, and blue eyes, just like our Dad, our Mom has strawberry blonde hair, and blue eyes, but none of her kids have her hair. But I'm not sure how they'll react to me leaving, but if they want me to pursue this doctor dream I have, I wanna be OBGYN then they gotta let me go.

   Nathan is leaning against the wall talking to Nattalie, she's the head cheerleader and best friends to Riah which is weird because girl code, but I guess some girl's don't care. Nate is a medium built guy, he isn't huge but he isn't scrawny either. He does boxing and runs track at school, I've seen him work out in the gym before, And he has dirty blonde hair, and the prettiest green eyes I've seen although I haven't seen them up close, he makes me nervous being around him. His tattoos are amazing, I love tattoos they're so cool, especially on him. I don't know how many he has, but their is a lot. As I make my way thru with Mae, she's looking at Henry who's talking to Georgia a girl that he flirts with and she decides to ditch me and get a drink so I follow her, and as I turn around I notice Nate is watching me. So me being me I decide to run the opposite way to find Mae and realized why did I do that? Nate the hottest guy around anywhere wants me to come there and I run? I'm an idiot.

   I ran to Mae and said "Nate just stared at me" "Don't turn around now K, but he is coming this way now" "What? I gotta go hide or something" "No, go talk to him" So as I turn around I end face to face with Nathan the tattooed guy I've been crushing on for a year now. "Hi, aren't you Kent's older sister, Patrick mentioned you earlier that you might be stopping by" "Uh yeah I'm Kaydence, and really they told you that? I wasn't even sure I was gonna stop by" "Really, why not?" "Because, this isn't my thing, but I'm glad I came" "I'm glad you came to Kaydence, I'm definitly glad you came" "Nate, come here please, why are you talking to her?" "Riah, I was just having a conversation with someone, we aren't together anymore, I don't have to explain who I talk to" "Whatever, Nathan, just don't be talking to Nattalie, she's my friend, that's low" "She came up to me, the person I was waiting for has shown up and you interrupted us" Wait, was he talking about me, but why? All because, of Kent and Patrick? How weird, though seriously. "Kaydence, it was nice talking to you, I have a feeling we'll be doing it a lot more" "We will?" "Yeah, we will, see ya Kaydence" "Bye Nate" "So, you did know my name? Here I thought you didn't know me" "Everyone knows you Nate, if they didn't then they were dumb" He laughs, and says "Well thanks, I'm flattered, but I'll see you around Kaydence" "Bye" And he walked off with Riah and Nattalie and the look I got from them wasn't nice. Guess I'll be picked on now, great.

A tattooed guy and a girl with a planWhere stories live. Discover now