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Dedicated to @Sol_AngeloROCKS13 who encouraged me to write this to the point that I stayed up until Midnight to finish the part.

The first week was pretty uneventful as we went through our classes, I had chosen Muggle studies and Arithmancy as my extra classes much to Maggie's disappointment but we had compromised to both take care of magical creatures alongside Anthony and Terry. Maggie chose to take divination instead and had somehow dragged Terry and Anthony with her.

Our first class was charms with Slytherin, and Maggie and I took our usual seats in the desk in front of Terry and Anthony. Professor Flitwick begins to talk and I can see Maggie zone out next to me as I take notes on this year's curriculum.

"Sometimes I wonder how Maggie got into Ravenclaw," I hear Terry joke from behind us which snaps Maggie out of her daze.

"Sometimes I wonder how you don't have a black eye yet," Maggie said turning around in her seat.

"Come on you know you love me," Terry said, flashing her a smile and she rolls her eyes but I can see a smile beginning to form.

She turns around to avoid getting into trouble and Professor Flitwick continues. Soon enough we're walking out and heading down to Care of Magical Creatures which, since optional, was taken with all houses.

(A/N I understand that isn't how it works in the books but they're optional classes and I don't think just two houses would fill up the class so this is my own personal interpretation)

I wasn't surprised to see Ron there with Harry but Maggie nudged me until I elbowed her in the ribs.

"What the hell Grace," she said doubling over and I rolled my eyes.

"You shouldn't have nudged me then," I said, looking at her overreaction.

I could see Ron across the way, talking to Hagrid about something called "blast-ended skrewts," over some boxes.

Terry and Anthony came up behind us, they had gone to use the bathroom.

"What did you do now Grace?" Terry asked looking at Maggie who was now losing her balance and nearly falling over.

"I didn't do anything," I say turning away from Maggie and towards Hagrid who was beginning to talk to the class.

We began picking up the very unappetizing pieces of meat sitting around to lower into the crates of what looked like black blobs.

"This makes me want to throw up," Maggie said, lowering some into the crate.

"Just wait until herbology," said Ron from the crate next to us "we had to squeeze out bubotuber puss,"

Maggie looked like she was going to throw up that second and she pulled her hand out of the crate. We continued for a while, Dean Thomas getting burnt by their exploding ends making Maggie and I only mimic the action of putting the frog livers into the crates.

"This is disgusting," Terry complained fro across me and Maggie.

I step back and slip on the wet grass, crashing into Ron who was turning around to get something. We fall to the slimy ground and I felt my cheeks turning bright red. He broke my fall but I heard him groan beneath me and I quickly get off of him, my cheeks as red as both of our hair.

"Oh look the missing Weasley child found her long-lost brother," Malfoy says snickering.

"Leave her alone," Ron said sitting up and rubbing his side.

"Aw, you're defending her," He said.

I felt my face get even redder. I try standing up, using my hand to support me but it slips on the stuff that made me fall in the first place and I fall back onto the grass again. Maggie looks at me trying to hide a laugh and I kick her foot making her fall as well.

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