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The chipmunks then find themseleves back in the chipettes house. "Why are we here?" Alvin asked.

The door opened "We're home" Brittany said "Why didn't you stay a little bit longer?" Mrs.Wormwood asked "Because we're hungry" Jeanette answered "Okay then I'm still cooking how about you stay in your room I'll call you when its ready" Mrs.Wormwood said smiling at them and the three nods their head "Ok mom" Eleanor answered and Mrs.Wormwood shake her head and glared at them. The three then entered their room.

"Wwell, its so nice to see their mother had a heart" Simon said "Some mothers are just having a hard time showing their feelings" Ms.Smith Explained "She would try to act disgusted about the Chipettes but deep down she cared for them a lot" Ms.Smith added "Really?" Theodore asked "Yes Theodore" Ms.Smith replied

Eleanor went out to go to the bathroom when she accidentally tripped and pushed Isaac oon the floor "Isaac I'm so sorry" Eleanor said. Isaac groanned looked at Eleanor smirked then "DADDY!!" Eleanor widened her eyes. Mr and Mrs. Wormood hurried up stair "What happened?" Mr.Wormwood asked "My baby" Mrs.Wormwood said "She pushed me!" Isaac said "I didn't it was an accident!" Eleanor said. Brittany and Jeanette quickly run out of the room and stand beside Eleanor. "Excuses! how about you go clean the basement as a punishment" Mr.Wormwood said "No Dinner for you" Mrs.Wormwood said "But its an accident" Eleanor said "Do you think we care? You should look where you are going!" Mr.Wormwood yelled "To the Basement!" Mr.Wormwood added and Eleanor run towards there.

"Poor Ellie" Theodore said "That's not healthy for Eleanor or any kids to skip dinner" Simon said "Yeah and how come they didn't run away from the start?" Alvin asked "Its because they thought that if they run away their parents might get worried" Ms.Smith said "Oh please their parents acted like they don't have Care at all and why is it so dark in here?" Alvin asked "We're in the basement Alvin" Simon said "What's that smell?" Theodore asked

Eleanor switched the lights on and saw everything dusty. "How long since they've cleaned this?" Eleanor asked the stinky, dusty and messy basement. She first tooka n air freshener and spread it all over the place "Much better" Eleanor said

"Phew, the smeel is gone" Theodore said accidentally touched the broom who fell to the ground. They widened their eyes "Theodore be careful" Simon hissed "I thought we go through things and its an accident." Theodore said "Through walls, apology accepted but don't touch anymore things, thankfully its just the broom that fell nothing else or everything will be altered" Simon said "We could alter their past?" Alvin asked "Yeah so be careful and quiet" Simon said

"Oh its just a broom" Eleanor said and picked it up and started sweeping the floor. After an hour the floor is squeaky clean. "Yup you can now eat out of it" Eleanor said and her stomach rumbled she sighed she  filled the pale with water and dipped the mop there before she mop the floor she first started moving the boxes to the sides.
Then she started singing

(Unconquered sung by Isabelle Methven)

Eleanor: (she picks up a box) The castle breathes its destiny, I try and answer its ghost (She put the box down on the side and she then picked up another three) I wake (She then tripped ) I stumble (She looked up and sit on the ground looked at the feathers and some ornaments that fell out of the box) I bathe in evening glow (She kneeled and put it all back in the box) The water belongs in an ocean's song . I've heard every call. Aand I will answer them all (She then stocked the bozxes like a tower and pimushed it to the sides and picked up the a mop from the side ) I stand before this ruins (She looked up and spread her arms to the side the right hand holding the mop) I will be brave (She then started mopping the floor) I will climb , I will run , I'm not afraid (She then diped the mop in the pale again then hugged it and look up) No man's land, shall find me, Unconquered on this day. (She have mopped everything and started cleaning the vanity dressed with a rag then she looked saw her tired reflection. ) Open your eyes and see, The devastation around. ( She then just started wiping the mirror witht he wet rag) Using all these world's resources, Never giving back what's found. (She then looked picked up the pale and looked at her reflection on it) The water belongs to an Ocean's song. She poured it to the floor and started drying it with a dry rag ) I've heared the earth's cry and I will question why (Shen stand in the middle and spread her hands to the side looking upa nd twirl around thrice) I stand before this ruins ( She then jumps to the vanity dresser and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled) I will be brave ( She climbed down the leg of the dresser) I will climb (She then run) I will run (She then stand up up the stool) I'm not afraid  (She sit down Looking tot he front)  No man's land shall find me unconquered on this day (She looked up) We fall through here (She stand up) But we pass there ( She then kicked the stool to the side) We will grow ( She looked at the Basement's door exit) To let them know (She climbed up the stairs approaching the door) We grow (She peaked out and saw them in the kitchen eating) To let them know (She closed the door and leaned on the door looking down at the now super clean basement) I stand before this ruins, I will be brave, I will climb, I will run I'm not afraid  (She then walked down the steps and when she reached the bottom she looked up to the door) No man's land shall find me Unconquered on this day.

"That's a very touching song" Theodore said while crying. "They've been close to music since they're little and have a tough life no wonder why they became so famous" Simon said "Wel,l, not as famous as we are but still you have a point" Alvin said "Would you swallow your ego a little bit so you and Brittany won't fight a lot" Simon said "Its hard but I'll try... Their life is so tough and when they run away they still got stuck with that horrible Ms.Grudge" Alvin said and Simon smiled that their adventure is making Alvin show his softer and caring side

Mrs.Wormwood then entered "Here be thankful that you're mt daughter or else I would reallys tarve you to death" Mrs.Wormwood said handing Eleanor a plate of food. Eleanor went up the stairs and take it "Thank you" Eleanor said smiling at her mom "Just eat" Mrs.Wormwood said and left the basement. Eleanor smiled and sat down at the top of the stairs and started eating

"See, she still careed about her" Ms.Smith said and Everyone just smiled at the touching sight

Alvinnn! and the Chipmunks: The GiftedWhere stories live. Discover now