DAY 16!!!

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The nest day triles went to the doctor to see what is going on with Miles. As Triles was in the car Tristan turned to his husband and noticed that he looked fine bot he couldn't put a finger on why he looked fine. When they arrived at the doctor he examined Miles and the doctor could not find anything wrong with him so he said maybe he is just stressed out so Miles please take it easy and try to slow down.  Miles agreed and said ok. 

In the car ride home Tristan turned to brunette husband and said do you think that it is the house and it is in fact haunted this is all my fault because i loved that house.  Listen to me bae it is not your fault and this is the  life that we both have chosen for us and I love you so much that I want you to be happy because I love you so very much and I love our 3 kids.  I love you to Mr. milligan hollingsworth.

They arrive home and they see jacks teddy bear fall  and triles look up and they see their youngest son on the roof so Miles grabs the ladder and Tris goes up to the attic. Tristan says to Jackson baby why are you up here for?  Jackson said oh that's an easy answer Jodi told me to go with her, she said that I can be here and live forever in this house. Miles got their son into the attic and told him to never go up to the roof again we love you too much you really scared us baby if something happened to you we will die.  But dads am I your biological son? Miles turned to Tris and said that we have to tell him now. tris just shook his head. Ok buddy sit down right here. Miles than said to his youngest son your father here donated his sperm and your aunt Frankie donated her egg so we can have another child. But how is that possible daddy did you sleep with my aunt? tris laughed and said oh no your aunt just used her egg and she carried you is all.  So my aunt is really my mom that is to weird even for me. Miles than said to jackson the reason why is because we wanted it to have the hollingsworth genes like your older brothers, and that is why we made your aunt Frankie your God Mother. Oh ok thanks dads for telling I feel more loved than I ever did. No problem buddy but you do need to sleep so good night. Nitey nite daddys.  

Triles went to their room and said wow what a day I am so glad that it is over and we can get some sleep good night my love Miles said. Good night baby I love you and Tristan kissed him good night. 

                                                                           DAY 19

The next Tris goes to the Priest at their local church and tells him that since him and his family has moved into the house Miles has been acting weird and he also told hi what has been happening with his kids, father I believe that my house might be evil what do you think father?  The priest decided to tell him about the last people that lived in that house prior to his family moving in that their names were the defeos.  

Miles is home watching a video that they all made the day that they moved into the house and as he is watching he saw an evil ghost face on Robby.  Tris is in Jackson's room reading and holding him and tris wound up falling asleep with Robbie in his bed in his room.  

At 3:15 am Miles was in the basement and that is when Miles woke up and he again it heard catch em and kill em catch em and kill em.  Miles than opened the door and he walked out of the house because again he heard the dog barking and he went to the boat dock with his ax and he saw an evil spirit but in fact, it was actually the dog and he didn't see it as the dog and he...........

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