Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

She curled up against me but I told her to lay down so she could sleep.

"Will you lay down too?"

I just assumed that was only at her parents and I was shocked she said it.

"Of course."

We laid beside each other and again, I put my arm around her stomach. I was exhausted from the drive.

"Kane, you look tired, we could have pulled over so you could've slept."

"That's okay, this is better."

She moved closer to me and I started to doze off. I felt her finger making designs on my arm as my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes I smiled, we were back home and she was in my arms, like it was meant to be.

I hated leaving her tonight, knowing she would have nightmares after a solid week and a half without any, I hated it. I felt useless and it was the worst feeling, knowing I would do anything for her but it wouldn't change anything.

She moved a bit and put her foot between mine as she snuggled closer to me.

It was nine and I didn't want to leave her, ever.

I kissed her gently and she had a goofy smile on her face, "That's definitely one of your best looks."

"Mm-hmm,... you... say... must... truth... No?"

I laughed a little and pulled her closer, 'I hate to leave you, but I don't want to invite myself either.'

I carried her to her bedroom and laid her under her bed sheets. She curled up into her pillow but frowned a second later. I ran my hand through her hair and she stopped squirming.

"I hate to leave you beautiful, I hope you sleep well. I'll come by in the morning, please sleep well. Maybe think of our house, or your greenhouse, curled up with a good book surrounded by fresh flowers and plants. Sleep tight gorgeous." I walked out of her room but stopped at her door, "I love you beautiful, I already miss you."

She looked alone in her bed and I left before I jumped in beside her and held her all night.


The sun was just starting to rise and I drove to the diner. I was still tired because I couldn't sleep last night and I drew part of the plans for the house.

It had been a week since we got back and one of her suitcases were at my house, which she used after showering or something when she wanted to get changed. I loved that she moved around my house a little more with ease but I didn't like that she still asked if she could use anything. Even the towels she asked if she could use, I'd let her use anything, I'd give her anything, as long as I have her nothing else matters. Every night I put her in bed and hate leaving her there, I've been sleeping less and less and Dani has nightmares still. Usually one or two a night but they're terrifying and include most of her family dead by the end of each. I feel terrible but I don't want to stay with her and have her think I want more from her. I dream of more, like staying with her all night, but I could, would and never will, push her.

That night we decided to have dinner at my house instead, so it was just the two of us, unlike the three of us it usually is at the diner.



I felt bad because she looked exhausted. I know I was tired but she really needed sleep, I wasn't worried about me though, just her.

"Can I spend the night with you on your couch?"

"Of course, why?"

"I'm too tired at work, I just need a good night of sleep, and I know you haven't slept well lately and I think we both need it."

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