Normal Sweet Life

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When Sehun got back to school, everything was back to normal. School works, practises, even the final contest was coming up. He was so busy that he could hardly hang out with Luhan.

Luhan and him had agreed that they keep their relationship low and close. Only sometimes they would sneak to the backyard for some kisses. But nowadays, Luhan was busy too.

Times together turned lesser and lesser.

"Heyhey, lend me your workbook, I haven't finish it yet damn." Kai said before sitting down on his chair.

"There." Sehun replied and threw his book forward. Without a word, Kai sat down and begun doing his work.

Sehun looked at Kai's back and frowned. He still haven't told Kai yet. Guilt was starting to overcome him. Day by day.

Due to work, Kai had become skinnier. Sehun wondered if he ate anything. He tapped on Kai's chair and Kai turned over, slightly annoyed.


"Did you eat anything?"

"No. Why?"

"You looked skinnier.."

"I...That's nothing." When Kai was about to turned over again , Sehun grabbed his wrist and pushed his lunchbox into his hands.

"Eat it. Im full." Sehun lied.

"You sure?" Kai raised an eyebrow at Sehun.

"Sure. Get fatter big guy. Don't make me worry." Sehun said in a worried tone.

"Fine. But skinny is quite good." Kai replied as he proceeded to open the lunchbox.

"No..It's not. Just...take care kay?" Sehun whispered.

Kai was munching on some rice as he looked up and stared at Sehun. He looked for a long time before whispering.

"Thanks..big guy."

Sehun smiled when he heard it, and Kai smiled back with his cute cheeks stuffed with rice.


It was once in a while since Sehun had a free recess time. He dialed Luhan's phone but nobody answered.

Sehun sighed. Luhan must be busy again... Whenever Sehun was free, Luhan was not. Whenever Luhan was free, Sehun was not.

Sehun decided to just go to their secret tree to rest for a while. Clear his head.Relax..

He walked and walked, drowned in his own thoughts until he saw a familiar figure under the tree. Sehun smiled and put his hands in his pockets as he approached the figure.

Luhan, with his hair messed up , was sleeping soundly under the tree. He clutched his phone in his right hand as he slept. His mouth was opened as usual and some cute snores were heard.

Sehun sat down beside Luhan and leaned in, watching the cute sleeping boy. He stared for a while and kissed him on the forehead, then the nose, and lastly on the lips.

That was the best wake up method Luhan had ever experienced before. Not long after that, the elder boy's eyelids fluttered and was opened wide.

He stared surprisingly at Sehun as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up.

"Sehun-ah!..Aren't you..."He was yet to finish when Sehun merely shush him with his lips.

"Mmh.." Luhan mumbled as he was attacked by Sehun.

Sehun put his one arm around Luhan's waist and the other around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

When Sehun did nothing in the kiss, it was getting a little too dull for Luhan. Luhan begun sucking at Sehun's lips greedily. How long since he tasted those cherry lips of his? He craved it so much.

"Uhgh.."Sehun mumbled as he was caught surprise by Luhan's sudden turn of dominance.

Luhan pushed himself on Sehun and continued sucking at Sehun's lips until they were red and swollen.

Sehun enjoyed it very much when Luhan sucked his lips. He always felt like his heart was getting sucked away by Luhan the vacuum cleaner.

Sehun was under Luhan, slightly making some moaning sound when the bell rang.

Luhan made no sign of retreat so Sehun lightly pushed Luhan aside, gasping and panting.

"Lu...class...start.." He panted.

"O..kay. Last.." Luhan said and showed a finger at Sehun before leaning in to take a last suck at Sehun's lips.

Sehun's world was spinning. His heart beat so fast and his stomach was a mess. In this condition, how could he concentrate in class afterwards?

Luhan calmed his own pace quite quickly and stood up. He pulled Sehun up too and whispered, foreheads touched together.

"You don't know how much I missed you ,Sehunnie. Concentrate in your class okay?" He laughed.

"You think I dont ?How am I going to concentrate with you toying with my mind huh? Lu." Sehun bumped his shoulders with Luhan and asked.

"I dont know." Luhan smirked.

"When did you become to dominant in a sudden?" Sehun asked.

"Well...hate to tell you..that I was always dominance. And it was you who started it."Luhan laughed and waved at Sehun before disappearing off to class.

"That stupid jerk.. I can't even walk properly now.." Sehun mumbled as he walked slowly, leaning against the wall for support.

When he was back to class, Kai was staring at him the whole time.

"What?" Sehun asked annoyed.

"Your lips were ..." Kai pointed.

"I just ate super spicy chicken okay...and I couldn't take it much ..ha..ha.." Sehun said while letting out an awkward laugh.

"Hmm okay.That was actually quite lame.." Kai turned over and smirked with an unbelievable look on his face.

Sehun's mind was then all controlled by Luhan in the whole class.

Damn..Im really overdose with Luhan poison. Sehun shook his head and muttered.

A/N: Please read my new story! Thanks. :) Love ya all.

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