Untitled Part 2

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  You sat infront of the fire in the Gryffindor common room, on one of the large, squashy leather chairs.

Oh, how you hated that toad of a woman. Yes, you'd just returned from one of Umbridge's detentions, the words 'I must not disrupt the class' carved into your [undominant] hand.

Yes, you, along with the Weasley Twins, and sometimes Lee Jordan, were part of the adored and admired Hogwarts Pranking legacy. You were a joker by nature, and you'd made the class laugh at the moment Umbridge walked in. She'd given you a week's detention, starting tonight.

If it wasn't for the fact that you'd almost collapsed from pain and blood loss, you would normally love for someone to walk into the empty common room and talk to you, but right now you were fighting to stay awake. You just wanted to be alone, not even your beloved boyfriend, Fred Weasley, could help you right now.

You gazed into the fire, the scarlet, dancing flames taking your find off the searing pain that was shooting from your hand. You'd go to bed, but you weren't strong enough to walk, you'd lost so much blood and the pain was unbareable. You watched the shadow of the fire on the wall, the dark flame figures morphing into unknown creatures.

Your eyelids grew heavy to the sound of rain on the window, but you weren't tired, never tired. You were about to pass out. Your hand was still bleeding furiously, sending spikes of sharp pain up your arm. You grasped whatever consciousness you had left in you fought to open your eyes.

"(Y/N?" Fred's voice called, in a soft, sweet tone that he saved only for you.

"Mmm." You tried to reply, but it came out so quiet you were surprised he heard you.

"(Y/N)?" He said, a little more seriously, not yet spotting you slumped on the sofa.

"I'm here..." You mumbled to the best of your ability. Fred just heard a squeak and looked in your direction.

"(Y/N)?! What happened? Are you okay?" He rushed down to you and knelt on the floor in front of you.

"Um-br..." You murmured, using all your strength to sit upright. Fred put his hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you back down and moved up to sit next to you. You shuffled up a little and rested your head on his chest, your eyelids swaying on the edge of consciousness again as you listened to his steady, yet fast heartbeat. It was speeding up by the second, from worry.

"(Y/N)..." He placed his hand on your back and rubbed it. "I meant to give you this," He handed you a glass of butterbeer, that he'd gotten from Merlin knows where. You tried to take it, but your hand shook as you lifted it and he pushed your hand back down.

"Here, I'll do it for you." He said as he lifted the cup to your lips and tilted it slightly. The warmth filled your body, and your head stopped spinning. Damn, that made you feel better.

"Thank you..." You said, looking up into his dreamy, concerned, brown eyes. He smiled slightly.

"No problem. Now, would you mind telling me who did this to you?" He asked, lifting your bleeding hand up into the firelight so he could look at it.

"Umbridge." You said.

"I thought so. Even though I can't make out what it says, I can tell it was done by her quill." He held up his other hand that wasn't holding yours and showed you the scars. "The pain stops after a little while, don't worry."

"Mhm." You hummed, closing your eyes and breathing in his scent. "You smell so good, Freddie." You internally laughed at what you came out with in your sleepy state.

Fred chuckled. "You're so cute."

You smiled into his chest.

"Are you tired?" He asked. You nodded. Before you could ask what he was doing, he slid his arm around your waist and his other arm supporting your legs. He then stood up and lifted you with him.

"I'll take you to bed." He said, walking towards the staircase leading to the girls dormitory. He then paused, before turning away and walking to the boys dormitory instead. "I can't walk up the stairs... They'll collapse into a slope and I'll fall." He muttered quickly to you.

It wasn't like you cared, sleeping in his dorm wasn't that bad.

He carried you up the steps, trying not to move you too much before he reached the door and opened it. He walked over to his bed and placed you down on the soft mattress. All of the other boys in the dorm were already asleep. He then lifted the blankets and lay down behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You wriggled around and came face to face with him.

"I love you Freddie." You whispered.

He smiled, placing his fingers on your chin and gently lifting your head so he could put his lips on yours. He kissed you slowly and softly, as though you were as delicate as a china doll. You put your arm over his waist and pulled him closer to you.

When you both stopped for air, you tucked your head down and he rested his chin on top of yours.

"I love you too. So so much." He mumbled into your hair.

And you both fell asleep to the sound of the rain and each others heartbeats. All of your pain was now gone, and Umbridge, well let's just say she would be dealt with in the morning.  

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