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"Regina this is good" Emma says looking down at Regina's work. Regina smiled and said "I'm still trying to figure out this part here which will give me the answer to this and hopefully the answer to this and it will work" Emma didn't really understand what Regina was on about but looked very good. "This is some impressive stuff. You could really pull it of" Emma says looking up at her. Regina smiled before saying "my last girlfriend thought I was crazy trying to do this"

Emma gave Regina her work back and said "girlfriend?" The brunette smiled before saying "yes. Girlfriend. That's not a problem is it miss swan" Emma shook her head quickly and said "no of course not I just assumed you were straight for some reason. Honestly it's fine I'm bisexual myself" Regina bit her lip and smiled knowing Emma is into girls. Emma smiled back at her. As green eyes met brown they fell into a moment. Emma shortly pulled out of it and said "umm do you know when Henry will be done"

Regina pulled out of it and said "soon. Tell me about Henrys father" they were in Regina's office. Regina sat down and patted the spot next to her for Emma to sit. The blonde did and said "he was a fireman. While I was 7 months pregnant and he was out saving a family from a fire. They said they got the mum out and oldest son. None of them noticed the the little 4 year old girl and baby boy still in there asleep. Neal, was his name, he ran to save them. He threw them out the window but couldn't get himself out"

Regina saw she was upset. She put her arm around Emma and said "I'm sorry. He sounds like a brave man" the blonde nodded and said "he was. Ever since then I have had a few one night stands and few blind dates but it's mainly been me and henry. It's just easier" Regina placed her hand on Emma's shoulder. The blonde looked up at her. That was the first time in years Emma has spoken about Neal. "My ex fiancé I was with died. She was the love of my life but was murdered" Regina says softly.

Emma looked into her eyes and said "ow I'm sorry that must be hard" Regina nods and says "it was. The guy who murdered her looked me dead in the eyes and smiled before running away" Emma pulled her into a hug. The girls had no idea why they were telling such personal stuff to each other. They had no idea why they were hugging like they had known each other for years. They had no idea why they wanted to kiss each other.

Regina pulled away and they kept there heads close. There noses next to each other. There lips close but not close enough. Before either one of them could move close Emma pulled away. Regina moved back as well and Emma said "I'm sorry Regina I need to focus on my son" "yeah no I'm sorry I have work to do and figure out. We hardly know each other" Regina said quickly and awkwardly. Emma kissed her cheek and said "you are sweet though. Thank you" They both smiled and Regina stood up.

She helped Emma up and they went to find henry. He was just finished as they got to him. He ran over and hugged Emma tight. She smiled and held onto him. Henry has had cancer for a few months now. He feels week at times. His legs were week and he Emma had to hold him up. She picked him up and said "are you ok" he nods but was tired. Emma hugged him and said "should we take you home" Regina came over and said "Henry? Your very brave boy. Don't let anything stop you from being the crazy kid you are ok"

Regina gave him hope. He smiled at Regina and said "thank you doctor" the brunette doctor smirked and said "call me Regina alright. I'll see you tomorrow for your check up" she then gave the 5 year old a lolly pop. He smiled before taking it. Emma smiled brightly at her and said "thanks for this Regina. Your a good person" Regina winked before watching them walking of. Emma looked back at Regina and smiled. She regretted not kissing Regina when she had the chance. She may not have none her well but she felt a connection with her.

Shortly after Regina finished work she went to one of the rooms to check on her best friend. "Hey ruby" she says walking into a private room. Ruby has been very sick for awhile. She was led on the bed in the middle of the room. Her face pale and she can barely move. She smiled seeing Regina. "Now don't you look cute in your doctor clothes" ruby says smirking at Regina. Ruby is straight and her boyfriend is called Peter. "Ha ha very funny. How are you doing sweetie" Regina says walking to the bed.

Ruby struggled while sitting up. Regina helped her and she sat up straight. Ruby has been in hospital for a few weeks now and Regina goes to see her everyday. "Has Peter came yet" Regina asks. Ruby shook her head softly and said "no not yet" she looked a little disappointed. "Did he come yesterday or the day before" Regina says annoyed at him. Ruby shook her head and said "no" Peter hardly ever came. Regina would make the effort even on her days of. He didn't. This really annoyed Regina.

"I don't know why you bother with him. He's a piece of" Regina says but ruby cuts in "Regina! He's just busy" she looked annoyed and said "I'll show him busy. He doesn't even make the effort anymore to come see you. For god sake your in hospital battling for your life and he can't even be assed to come see you for at least 10 minutes... I'm sorry he just annoys me but I'm always here for you" ruby smiled and said "I know. That's why I love you"

Regina smiled and hugged her. "Regina? If I die, please help look after Ava" ruby says softly. Regina looked at her with a soft smile and nodded. Ava was Ruby's 1 year old daughter. Regina was so scared of loosing ruby. She thought she'd be alone without her best friend in the world.

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