Chapter Two

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just feel like this book is already a piece of shit.

BTW, I would like to give a shout out to@AnnaSilviana for being the first to comment and giving me great feedback!!!

Lastly, all of the italic text is what that person is thinking. If that makes sense...


|e m i l y|

     As I made my way up to the boys' table, I managed to trip over my own foot. My longboard flew out in front of me and my body hit the ground. Great way to make an impression, Emily. They're going to think you're an idiot!

     I picked my head up off the ground and saw a pair of black and white checkered vans in front of me. I looked up and saw a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and finally, I was met with a pair of hazel eyes. Zayn Malik was in front of me! He held out his hand so I took it and stood up.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asked, his voice unintentionally silky and irresistible.

"Y-Yeah," I stammered. "Sorry, I'm just really clumsy."

     Just then, Louis came ran up to us holding my longboard.

"Sick longboard! Where did you get it?" Louis asked, examining my board.

"My friend bought it for me. I think she got it at Zumiez." I answered.

"I'll have to get one for myself." He said, giving me back my longboard.

"Thanks." I said. We all stood there staring at the ground for a second, unsure of what to do next. Suddenly, I felt something trickling down my forehead. I wiped off the unknown substabce and examined it.

"Shit!" I mumbled.

"What?" Zayn and Louis asked simultaneously.

"I'm bleeding." I said, wiping more blood off my forehead. It was flowing down my face now.

"Let me see," Louis said, stepping closer to me to examine my head. "My mum's a nurse, so I am fully qualified!"

As if I didn't already now that! I thought

"What did you say?" Zayn asked. I didn't realize that he had also gotten closer to examine my wound.

"Nothing!" I quickly answered. I must have been talking aloud.

There was an awkward pause while Louis was examining my wound.

"Okay. Firstly we need something to stop the bleeding." Louis said. Zayn immediately began to take off his shirt.

"No way. I can't take that. Your shirt is white!" I exclaimed. Zayn pushed it up against my forehead anyway.

"It's too late now." He smirked. God he was cute!

"Enough lovebirds. We still have a bleeding woman here!" Louis laughed. "Okay, so it looks like you are going to need some stitches. Luckily, we have a medical tent over there."

      Zayn suddenly picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the tent. I held Zayn's t-shirt up to my head.


|z a y n|

     The girl I was carrying in front of me was beautiful. Her brown hair hung just below her shoulders and framed her face perfectly. Her black eyeliner complemented her dark brown eyes perfectly. Her maroon hoodie hung loosely around her skinny frame and her black skinny jeans was tight in all the right places. We were even wearing the same shoes!

"Sorry to rain on your guys' parade." She blushed. She was so cute when she blushed!

"You're fine. I bet the boys don't mind the break either." I smiled.

     Finally, I reached the medical tent. There was a nurse standing outside the tent, and she led us inside. The nurse grabbed a clipboard off of one of the empty cots and began to ask questions.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"She hurt her head and now she is bleeding." I answered as I laid her down on the cot.

"What's your name, sweetie?" The nurse asked. It just occurred to me that I didn't know the girl's name

"Emily." She said. The nurse scribbled something down on the clipboard.

"And your last name?"

"Winchester." Emily replied.

"Okay, the doctor will be here in just a minute. Zayn, because you are not a parent or legal guardian of Miss Winchester, you have to leave."  The nurse left the room.

"Well," I started. "I have to go. I'll come back when the Meet and Greet is over though." I smiled and walked out of the tent and back to the lads.

"Zayn! How is she?" Louis asked.

"Good. Just bleeding a lot." I answered.

"You do know you aren't wearing a shirt, right?" Harry laughed. I looked down and remembered that I gave my shirt to Emily to help with the bleeding.

"Liam, can you hand me one of the shirts from the extras pile?" I asked. A lot of times girls accidently spill something on us or try to rip off our shirts, so we started bringing extras.

"We ran out of shirts, lad. We have hoodies, though." Liam said, throwing me a hoodie. I nodded my head in thanks and slipped the fabric over my head. It was maroon, just like Emily's.

Only one more hour until I get to see Emily again.


                                A•U•T•H•O•R•S N•O•T•E

That was the absolute worst chapter I have ever written. I get better towards the middle of books; I am horrible at introductions. Please forgive me.

Comment if you want to be my editor!!!

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