Chapter 2

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When we went inside a black lab came over barking almost making me have to do a backbend with how hard she hit my leg. "SQUEAKERS stop barking!" Elliot yelled and made the girl shut up instantly. She warmed up to me pretty quickly when I stroked her fur.. "Come on," Silver said leading the way through the house and to the basement. When we got down there Jolien and I sat on the sofa but with us sitting at the same time, it knocked over a picture frame and a candle on the small table.. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I said as I jumped up. Elliot started laughing and picked it up, expertly fixing it. "It's fine, I do that all the time!" As if to prove his point, Silver nodded in agreement. He's as clumsy as you, My wolf said earning an eye roll from me.

When we all sat down on the sofa, I felt kinda out of place. Silver started to joke around with Jolien, and then it was just Elliot and I. He ended up lightly slapping my face, which in turn started a mock slapping war. I swear we acted like pups, to my delight. In the end I ended up sitting on his lap on the sofa, knocking over the picture and the candle again. "Oh just kiss him already!" Jolien exclaimed, so I nervously gave him a peck on the lips. I then blushed furiously as my wolf howled with excitement. What are you going nuts over? I got no response, but apparently Elliot felt something too.

We all just got to know each other for the next few hours until Silver and Elliot dropped us off at the skate park. Before we walked away I managed to get Elliott's number and gave him a quick kiss then ran to catch up to Jolien who was walking away after taking a picture with Silver who got interrupted by Elliot screaming about how his balls were sticking to his leg. "So what do you think Elliot thinks of me?" I asked my best friend as she just looked at me weirdly. "I don't know why don't you text him?" I just gave her a look like 'did you really just ask that'. "My phone's dead remember?" I asked as I went to prove it. "Okay, fine, I'll ask him if you two are dating or not." Ah, this is why I love her. She knows my hidden thoughts.

"Hey lover girl, he said if you want to be then he wants to date you!" Jolien said as she laughed at me jumping for joy. "I told him that you said you want to." The time the rest of the walk back took was filled with us talking about our now new boyfriends. Any time I mentioned Elliot my wolf went nuts. I'd have to research that later because this had never happened before. When we got back to my house I froze. "Hey Jolien, I just remembered that my dad said you can't come over after we hang in town because I have to do some shit outta town, like go get stuff with him, I'm sorry." She shrugged her shoulders and said she would talk to me later.

I could hear the yelling all the way down the street. Oh no, I'm in so much trouble aren't I? When I walked in the door, silence fell instantly.. I walked further inside the house to the backroom. When I got in there I saw my dad looking as pissed as ever. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU???" He asked as his words slurred. I shuddered at the thought of how much he would have drunk this time. "I went out to see if I could find any mushrooms since it is mushrooming season, sir. I remembered how much you loved the soup I made last time so I thought it would make you happy if I made it again." I said as I looked down hoping he would bite into my lie.

I knew when I felt the sting on my cheek that he didn't. As soon as I hit the floor, I tried to hold back a whimper knowing it would only anger him even more. I felt the familiar pain that shot up my back as soon as he started kicking me. I knew my face was going to bruise and I just hoped I'd have enough makeup to cover it up. I prayed I didn't anger him too bad because I didn't think I was fully healed from the last time that he came home drunk. I got my answer as soon as his steel toe boot collided with my ribcage and I heard a loud CRACK! and felt the agonizing pain of my rib shattering. After he was done and walked away, I fled to my room trying to hold back my sobs in fear of him hearing me and deciding to break something else.

I looked in the mirror I had in my bathroom that was in my room. I gasped at my reflection. I had my mother's sharp green eyes unlike my father who had a dull gray color, My newly dyed red hair stuck up in random places, parts sticking to my face from my tears. It was dyed to hide my natural brown hair color that matched my dad's, then there was my height coming out to a 5'1. But the thing was for such a small person you wouldn't expect to see a figure like I have. My dad on the other hand was 6'3 and his muscles bulged but so did his rather nauseating beer belly. I then thought of Elliot and all his attractive features. He had short blond/ginger hair, blue eyes like the sea at high tide, a dazzling smile, he was 5'7 and his muscles suited him well. I found myself on my phone texting him.

To: Elliot <3 : Hey!(: ~ Blaze

Hey baby ~ Elliot

I wish we could have hung out longer I had so much fun! ~ Blaze

Me too! We should all hang out next week after you guys get out of school. ~Elliot

Ugh I have to do a project with Jolien after school. We were going to be at the pizza place next to the middle school. ~Blaze

Well maybe you ladies would let us men come take you away? ~ Elliot

What men? I don't see any men :P And yeah possibly you have to clear it with Jolien first tho ~Blaze

~~~~10 mins later~~~~~

She says its cool with her ~Elliott

Right when I read that I got another text from Jolien saying how we all are going to hang out on friday and I just laughed. If we get caught I'd be dead dead, I thought to myself. I don't care I want to see Elliot!!! My wolf screamed at me making me jump in shock, letting out an involuntary squeak. After that I decided it was time to sleep, so I set my alarm for 5am so I could fit a morning jog in before school. After that I just face planted onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep

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