It's a mattress on the floor. And there's a moment shared between them that's not spent kissing, but just of Bo looking back and forth from Harry to the sorry excuse for a bed.

"I didn't think I'd be entertaining in here," he admits sheepishly.

Her eyebrows raise.

"Don't look at me like that," he gripes. "The bed frame is being delivered Thursday and Niall is coming over to help me assemble it - I'm not a child."

Bo holds her hands up in defence.

"I didn't say anything."

The curl of her lip confirms to Harry that she was definitely thinking it though, regardless of her denial.

"I know that look."

She eases away from Harry, taking steps backwards as she faces him. The neck of his t-shirt is stretched away from his chest, his hair a little wild with those unique set of eyes following her every move.

"What about this look?"

It sets his heart thundering.

"I don't - I haven't seen that look before."

And in all honesty, he hasn't. Harry's never seen Bo look so unashamedly provocative. He could drop to his knees for her right now, have her pull his hair until his eyes watered, deny him until it hurt. And he'd fucking thank her for the experience. He'd give her everything without a single thought.

"No?" she smiles. "Well, should I tell you what comes next?"

He trails to her like a puppy in desperate need of attention. A delicate hand hooks his neck and he's forced to suppress a smile at his delight of having to stoop to her; at having someone considerably smaller hold this sort of sway over him.

Just the way her words kiss his ear is enough for things to start happening in his pants. That's even before he's properly processed her rundown of how the evening should pan out.

She pulls away.

"Fuck," he breathes, a devilish smile growing. "Let's get started then."

It's touch down and lift off all at the same time. Bo feels as though she's coming apart under Harry's hands, every kiss unraveling her to lay bare what's been prowling under their skin from the moment they reunited. This is how it should feel.

"You got any more fancy moves to show me?" Bo pesters, because she can.

"They're hardly fancy, it's just defence."

She seems to contemplate his reply before giving him a playful shove to the bed for the evening. Once surprise settles, Harry has his hands full as Bo gracelessly climbs into his lap and encourages his back to meet the mattress. Sparkly fingernails dig into his shoulders as he's terrifyingly held captive.

"And how will you get out of this?"

At this angle, Bo might actually be squishing his kidney but Harry doesn't think he's ever been so elated to be sat on before.

"You're small, I could just roll you off."

As if in demonstration, he takes hold of her waist but doesn't shift their weight.

"I'm not gunna though."
"What's your plan then?"
"Don't have a plan, I'm just wingin' it."
Ominous clouds roll with the rumbling sound of thunder, the freshness in the air spilling in through the cracked window. Bo clutches him close, him on top of her as he mouths at her neck. It's all she can do to draw in little half breaths as her fingers card through short hair.

Knockout (Sequel to Dark)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant