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I'm sorry for any miss spelled things or grammar issues ☺ and just to make sure
(y/n) your name
(y/l) your last name
(h/l) hair length
(h/c) hair color
and so on
It was a cold November night when you and your boyfriend arrive at your new apartment in Brooklyn New York.

All of your boxes where already there thanks to the moving company. You opened the door, it was dark and when you flicked on the light to reveal boxes stacked on boxes.

"Its going to be fun unpacking all of this"

you chuckle looking over to your boyfriend Nick.

he glared at you

"I'm going to the bar"

"Oh come on I though we could just hang out, it is our first night in this apparment"

You said sadly, walking over to him trying to give him a hug. But he pushes you away.

"When I say I'm going to the bar. I'm going to the bar"

and with that he left.

You walk to the bathroom turning on the lights and looking at yourself in the mirror.

You're so stupid (y/n) why would you think that Nick wanted to spend time with you?

You felt tears forming in your eyes as you walked out the bathroom into the living looking at loads of boxes.

Might as well start unpacking everything.

You where about half way threw putting plates and bowls in the cabinet when you hear loud screaming, not like a cry for help scream but more like a playful one following by laughing.

It didn't bother you by any means, considering they where having more fun than you where.

You picked up boxes that had clothes in it and walked into your bed room and there you could hear your new neighbour a whole lot better.

"Pink Guy! Pink Guy!"

You head a raspy voice yell.

Again it didn't bother you, you just kept taking out clothes and hanging then in the closet.

About a hour in a half later you heard Nick finialy come home from the bar.

"Welcome home!"

You said walking out of the bedroom.

"I'm going to bed"

He said while he pushes you out of the way.

"But it's only 10:30"

You said frowning at him

"Shut up whore, did I ask you what time it was?"

He yelled as he putting his hand up and hiting you.

"I-im sorry Nick"

You put your hands up trying to defend yourself from him hitting you.


falling on the floor crying he slammed the door to the bedroom in your face.


we don't have a couch though you thought

You stood up still crying and grabbed a blanket and a pillow from one of the boxes and make your bed on the floor.

You didn't sleep. You just lied there. You knew you should leave Nick but he's the only person you have left.

Your parents wernt in the picture, your mom died while giving birth to you and your dad became an alcoholic and blamed you for everything. Blamed you for your mom dying. Blamed you for him loosing his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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