Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry, I didn't see you."

"That's alright love, I bumped into you. Plus no harm has been done."

Harry said as he looked me right in the eyes, his emerald green eyes connecting with mine, a bond forming.

"C'mon Harry we gotta go."

"Yeah I'm coming."

Harry broke away from our contact and walked away with no other word, I was left alone in the hallway. I walked to my class alone, the hallways echoing with every footstep.

- 4:00

I'm walking back home, mentally getting ready for another round of chemotherapy, the weakness and the feeling of hopelessness. I hated it, but I knew that it was suppose to help me. I wrap my arms around my body and carry myself all the way home, hoping that this might be a dream.

"Hey you!"

I turn around and see Harry.


"Hey, I never said sorry for being rude to you, I thought you were someone else."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

"Well I'm Harry."

"I know who you are."


"Yeah, everyone knows the most popular guy in school especially when he's the captain of the football team."

Harry smiles at what I said and laughs quietly.

"True that, but I don't know who you are."

"I'm Annabella."

"That's a very pretty name Annabella. Where you heading?"

"I'm heading home."

"You don't go anywhere?"

"I can't, I have a lot to do after school."

"Oh, like what?"

"It's nothing important."

"Oh okay."

It grew awkward between us, you could feel the tension grow between us. I just kept walking on the pavement and I knew I was very close to my house. As I neared my house I could already feel the machine injecting the medicine into my body, attempting the fight against my cancer.

"You alright love? You look kind of pale."

"Yeah I'm fine."

I look further and see my mother already standing at the car, waiting for me so we could leave. I didn't want my mother to ask any questions so I ran to the car that was only 4 more minutes of walking.


I was just walking with her and then she takes off, leaving me on the pavement baffled by her recent action. I hear a car start and I see it pass by me, and inside I saw Annabella, where is she going?

- 6:00


I sat in the chair with the iv in me, I was really feeling tired and a bit sick but I held it back.

"Honey you alright?"

My mother asked as she held my hand in hers.

"Yeah I'm fine, just feeling nausea."

"Okay, the doctor said that you might feel like that, it's a symptom."


I throw my head back against the chair and close my eyes, throwing a loud sign. when is this going to end, when will it stop.

"Can you get me my headphones?"

"Sure honey."

My mother gets my white headphones and hands them to me. I plug them into my phone and select 'Dead Hearts' by the Stars.

"Tell me everything that happened

Tell me everything you saw

They had light inside their eyes

Did you see the closing window?

Did you hear the slamming door?

They moved forward, my heart died

Oh please tell me what they looked like

Did they seem afraid of you?

They were kids that I once knew"

Sincerely YoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora