88. Joke about Guy Diamond & fashion Trends! 💎

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'What is the Only 2017 Fashion Trend Guy Diamond would like? :)

- 'GLITTER BOOTY' 😁💎✨ - Because He Has it NATURALLY!' XDDDD

*( I didn't know that such a trend Existed till yesterday 

- when I Really saw our Twitter @Guy_DiamondT 's conversation with @FashionTwins1 ! 😆

They were asking their followers about Fave Fashion Trends of the Year - & That was Exactly what he Answered Them! XD

I first said 'WHAT?! :D' - & Laughed for 10 Minutes! 😂😂😂

- & then I asked them 'If I can add it to My Book as a Joke?' :) - & they Let Me! :D )

💠 I hope it was Funny Enough for YOU too! 😁👍

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