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Richelle looked at herself in the mirror one last time. She wanted to be sure that her outfit fitted perfectly with the studio's Christmas party.
This was the first time she was actually excited to go. When she was on J-Troupe, she had fun dancing with Gabi, Noah, Josh and her other friends. But time flies, and once she realised it, she was sitting alone in a chair, looking how everyone was with someone, except for her.

She didn't have friends, no one to talk to, no one to dance with, no one to share things with, and all those things, kept her from going. Said and done, she never went to any party.
Until this year. This year, Richelle had Lola.

Lola came into Richelle's life as a rainbow in the middle of a storm. She was the first person to show Richelle that friends don't always abandon you. Usually, if someone asks her to hang out, she would say no, and then that person will, eventually, stop bothering her. But Lola didn't give up, her goal was to show Richelle that there are more things in life other than dance, and she did it. Lola showed her that. Richelle had never trusted a person as much as she trusted Lola, the blonde girl was the sweetest human being, and that made Richelle so calm, and no one ever made her calm.

She finished doing her hair and started to walk to the studio, that was only a few streets away from her house.

When she arrived, there was already people dancing. Her teammates, B-Troupers and J-Troupers, and clearly, Michelle, Emily, Kate, Daniel and West.

The studio was beautifully decorated, a couple of lights and a big Christmas tree. Simple, but beautiful.
She was so concentrated, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Emily.

-Richelle! Such a surprise to see you, you haven't came to a party in a long time.

Richelle smiled to her and got ready to lie, but that was really common to her. She always lied  about that topic.

-I know, every year my family and I travel in holidays, but not this year. So, why wouldn't I come?

Emily nodded and smiled. She knew that Richelle was lying, but she also knew that, for Richelle, talk about her family was the most difficult thing, so she decided to avoid it.

-Hope you have fun. Merry Christmas, Richelle.

-Merry Christmas, Em.

They hugged. Doesn't matter where they are, they will always see each other as a sister.
Emily was ready to leave when Richelle interrupted her.

-Emily, wait! ¿Have you seen Lola?

Emily looked above Richelle's shoulder and she pointed with her finger.

-I'm right here.

Richelle turned back and saw her best friend's face, who instantly hugged her.

-Merry Christmas, Richelle. Thank you for this year.

Richelle smiled and hugged her even more. No one had never thanked her for being in their lives, so that moment was something Rich will never forget.

-Merry Christmas, Lola. And thank you, if I haven't met you, I wouldn't be here today.

-But I am, now let's go, we are about to play a game. You know, just A-Troupe.

They smiled at each other and went to Studio 1, in where everyone else was. They were about to play Truth or Dare.
They sat next to each other, Richelle on the left and Lola on the right. Next to her, Lola had Kingston, and Richelle had Amy.

They were all talking when, suddenly, someone started to yell to them.

-Okay, guys! I'll start!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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