Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt like if you could just save the one place which bought you the utmost joy, from even way back when you were still growing up, you would? There are many people in the world like this. We are talking about one person in particular. Her name is Terri Valen. Growing up her world was filled with her parents forcing her to become what they wanted her to be. She grew up being damaged and trying to find her own self.

With Terri now being 24, all she wants is to keep everything at a constant reminder for her to keep striving for more. One Wednesday afternoon when she was heading to her sacred place, she saw the building was wrapped with the yellow tape. She saw all the construction workers and she got upset. She wanted to know what was going on. Terri saw there was protesters too.

Terri began to contemplate whether or not it would be good to join them. At the same time she knew she wanted to save the building. Apartment 38D was her sanctuary. When she would get off from work, she would have her peace. Granted she had to pay for it, yet she loved being able to have her home. She didn't like knowing they were getting ready to tear it down. It just made her mad.

Terri knew she was going to have to find a new place to live. She didn't know what was going to happen to her now. Her apartment was going to be gone. Terri decided to join the protesters. She figured they were fighting for something too. She knew if she did it, there was consequences. At the same time, she might change their minds.

Terri ends up in the front. When she got up front, she took advantage of it. Terri decided to speak. She said, "I do hope you realize you are taking away people's home. I know you don't give a care, but at the same time if this was your home, would you want someone tearing apart? I think not, so in turn I hope you get to thinking about what you are getting ready to do. My home is my sanctuary, and I would appreciate it if it wasn't blown up."

While Terri was giving her speech, the construction workers boss, Mr. Floyd was scolding the workers for not having began the destruction process. He told his head worker, Travis to handle it. Terri was watching and she knew they weren't paying her any attention. She grabbed the chains off the ground and wrapped herself to where she was attached to the pipeline connecting to the building.

Travis saw she was chained. He thought she was going crazy. He told Mr. Floyd she was chained to the pipeline. Mr. Floyd began getting irate. He started yelling about how it's just an old building and no one wants it around and how the city would be better off without it. Terri heard him and she was about to catch a case. She spoke up when she saw all the protesters were just shaking their signs. She thought them doing that wasn't going to help anything.

She started talking again. She said, " everyone is entitled to their opinion. At the same time people actually live here. You just don't care if people are homeless, just as long as it isn't you. You are horrible and the job you think you're doing needs to stop." Mr. Floyd laughed at her. He thought she was amusing. He ordered Travis to cut her chains and take her away. As Travis was thinking about what his boss told him to do, he thought about how right Terri was.

Instead of cutting her chains, he decided to join her. As he was talking to her he knew he was going to get fired. He didn't care though because he knew he could find a better job. He kept talking to her though. Terri said, " what made you want to chain yourself?" Travis said, " I was listening to your speech and you really made sense. Your belief for what you were saying was showing. I commend you on that."

"Well thank you."

Mr.Floyd was mad Travis was literally staying chained to the pipeline. He decided to call the cops. He figured they would move then. When the police showed up, everyone spreader out, and Travis and Terri left the scene together. Mr. Floyd yelled at Travis telling him he was fired. Travis still didn't care. He knew he had his education and he wasn't worthless. Terri said, "I apologize for you just losing your job." "It's alright. There are plenty more places to work." "Very true."

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