Final Words Of The Signless

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It was another ordinary day on Alternia, besides the fact that today I was sick. I usually love going to see The Signless' sermons, but obviously today I can't. I had written a letter and sent it to The Disciple, asking her if she could record his newest sermon for me. I couldn't wait to go to his next sermon in person.

-next day-

I finally felt well enough to go to the next sermon. I hurriedly got dressed and practically ran out the door of my hive that I shared with one of my friends, since her lusus had sadly passed on. When I had gotten there, I quickly spotted The Disciple, who had saved me a seat near her. We awaited patiently as I read The Signless' sermon from the day before. Just as I had finished reading, The Signless had walked upon the stage. Apparently, as I was sick, The Disciple and The Signless had started a matespritship, maybe even something more. The Disciple, being my moirail, I am extremely happy for her. But before The Signless had started speaking, someone had come upon the stage. Once I got a closer look, I was terrified. There stood the E%ecutioner. "N-No... This can't b-be happening..." I heard The Disciple whisper quietly. I clutched my necklace, which was proof I was a follower of The Signless, tightly as tears welled up in my eyes. The Disciple and I quickly rose to out feet as he had grabbed The Signless. I leapt at The E%ecutioner, but was soon knocked out cold.


I awoke on the hard floor with a splitting headache. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I really wish I hadn't. I saw The Signless bound to shackles against a wall. I was about to get up, but realized I was bound as well. I quickly screamed to him. "SIGNLESS!" He slowly lifted his gaze towards me. "H-Hunter?" He knew my name? The Disciple must have told him about me. I was about to reply, until someone had crossed our line of vision. The deep and raspy voice spoke, "Any last words... Mutant?" He spoke that last word with so much hate, it would've made a young grub cry. "Y-Yes... I-If you d-don't mind?" He sounded like he was in such pain, I wish that was me instead. I have nothing to live for but his next sermon, which won't be any time soon. "Let's just get this over with." The dark voice replied. "I... I have been peaceful, I have been kind," he paused for a moment. Maybe I would get to hear another sermon? The last one, though. "I only dared to speak what others have been dreaming for so long. I have dreams too." I felt tears well up in my eyes. He can't die. He can't! "Dreams of what might of been where blood was simply blood, and all of us... were equal." I could hear two woman full out sobbing by now. I looked towards the source of the noise, and saw The Disciple and The Dolorosa. Tears were streaming down my face by now, my face flushed pure Jade green. I started sobbing, barely able to breathe. "If wishing for that is heresy...

Then yes, I deserve to die." I couldn't take it any longer. I started to thrash at my chains and screamed again, "NO! SIGNLESS YOU CAN'T DIE!" I saw him look up and give a sad smile. I should have kept my mouth shut though, because my outburst earned a jab to my stomach. "Shut up will ya!?" I continued to quietly sob, scared of getting another hit. "I've seen acts of the most sublime kindness and the most vile cruelty.... They say power beings find anger when they have no room for love. What made you so? Are you scared of change? Scared of those who are different?" He paused again to take a shaky breath. "I realize now... I am different than you. I have known feelings that none of you can ever hope to know. I've know the comroddary of a friend who supported me against all odds. I have known the compassion of a guardian who took me in when no others would and raised me to dream and hope! I have known a love and passion that transcended definition, along with her moirail who continued to show her support no matter what." H-He mentioned me? Why me? I'm not special... He's the special one, I should be culled not him. "There is no use hiding it now... You can all see me for what I am...

The signless...

The sufferer...

The mutant..."

He pronounced each word slowly and carefully.

"My blood burns brightly for all to see, it is the flame of a revolution that you cannot ever hope to quell! My memory can be erased, but my ideals will never die!" By this point I could hear and see many people in the crowd quietly sobbing.

"My mistake, was believing I could change a world infected by hate and corruption! You've taken the blessings of an innocent troll and turned his blessings into a curse. The pity you have taken on my Disciple will wound her. She's known true love and you've forced her into a life of solitude! You've forced a mother to watch her son die!" I was heartbroken. I know for sure The Disciple is as well.

"I see you for what you are... I always FUCKING have! I thought I could FUCKING change you! Fuck me for being a fucking fool!






FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" My eyes widened and I started to sob. An arrow was swiftly shot through his chest. Never in my life have I heard him swear that much, at all for that matter. Though he was just shot, he slowly lifted his gaze once more and continued.

"I am angry... because I forgive you. I may be the biggest fucking fool in Alternia... But when I close my eyes I see a world where we all work together. And its so... fucking... beautiful...." Just like that he was shot once more. His head dropped and he hung limp on his shackles. I was full out sobbing along with The Disciple and The Dolorosa. A strong man lifted me by my shackles and dragged me to his ship. "No! Were are you taking me! Let me GO!" I was jabbed once again in the stomach. I looked over and saw The Dolorosa boarding a ship as well. No, I'm being sold? Slavery of all things. But, why did they let The Disciple go? It doesn't matter, I'm just glad she's safe. My poor moirail. As I boarded the ship it felt as if I was torn in two. The happy, outgoing side of me was gone. Just a hollow shell.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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