2-3. Diesel 10, Monster of Malice

Start from the beginning

The name "Diesel 10" spread about from the humans, and to the steam-dinosaurs, it stuck a bell to them (a negative one), being aware that this one monster was out to kill and dominate over their kind. The way to beat him would have to be purely strategic.
Thomas, Percy and Toby are the first ones to try and duke-it-out against the golden diesel and his lackeys about to step into their path.
"I guess they're on our side..." assumed a soldier, as Toby threw his fists straight towards Iron Bert's chest and knocking him down along with 'Arry like a few falling dominoes, followed by Thomas who fires a blast straight at Diesel's face after nearly getting snapped at the eye by him. Percy then rolls into a spiky ball and crashes himself into Diesel 10, landing upon the few tanks below.
"...At least for now." the same soldier thought after what he just saw.
Duck and Oliver fortunately arrive to into the battlefield, where they are quick to snatch onto the hydraulic claw conjoined to the diesel's tail. Diesel 10 swings his claw about, trying to shaking them off, only to get pounced and kicked at to the sides.

Diesel 10 is partially weakened by the smaller dinosaurs coming at him, yet still tries to smack them all away with the claw, and leave his ally Diesel to hold the steamers off. The golden diesel then proceeds to wreck havoc upon Ffarquhar, Brendam, and then perhaps Wellsworth.

Lady Hatt and the children meanwhile have already set off in her car, with every part of their luggage packed and secure in the trunk.
Upon soon reaching the bridge leading Vicarstown, she didn't expect what appeared to be strange spiny figures in the distance. Sir Topham Hatt had forgotten to warn her about the monsters rampaging about on the island...
The long highway would eventually lead to the major residences prone to destruction.

Gordon and James were waiting for the diesel-king to arrive towards Ffarquhar. D10 snarls aloud to try and intimidate both steamers. Gordon kept his usual "grump stare", and let out a huff in response. James growls, as if he was trying to imitate the royal-blue monster. The diesel starts to make a stomping charge towards them; James attempts to dodge, while Gordon takes the ramming attack head-on. He grips onto D10's horns and tries to slam his head to the ground with all the strength he could use. James spits some flame at the claw, only to be smacked to the head by the thing. Gordon's grasp slips from the horns, and instead he takes a hold of the claw, managing to smack the diesel himself with it.
Diesel 10 viciously bites at the two dinos, and even throws the powerful Gordon several feet away with a single arm. A few soldiers (wielding long-ranged rifles of sorts) were found running about, but were lucky to avoid stepping in the diesel's range. They hid behind some piles of debris, and planned to reach Brendam before D10 does.

Stephen Hatt watches from the car-window with utter amazement as the monsters fight. Bridget Hatt however only looks with shock, asking her mother nervously if the family will be okay.
"Yes, sweetie." Lady replies reassuringly.
"What about Daddy?"
"Daddy will be okay too, I promise."
The road ahead in Ffarquhar was a scattered mess of fallen building-material, fires, and steam floated within the air. Lady took a slight turn before fright came to her; she suddenly sees a massive-sized paw with threatening claws, as well as a huge tail dragging along, almost approaching the car. She glances up and sees a few of the dinosaurs easily towering over a majority of the buildings.
"Stephen, Bridget, hold on tight. This is going to get bumpy..!" she told with caution and fear. Trying to find an escape from the monsters, she added a tad bit more speed, and drove with the best of her ability to evade not only the incoming beasts, but also the damage they cause. As the sky darkened, Lady grew more concerned on whether if Sir Topham Hatt ready is alright. For now, she just needed to find a safe area until the chaos would probably fade-out later.

When the evening gradually rose, D10 leaves various buildings of Brendam ablaze in all his insane evil glee until he reaches the docks, where three sea-based monsters step in; Douglas initially steps back in front of the diesel to drive him nearer to the water, before attempting to snap his claw apart with a blast of his laser-breath. D10 shrugs it off and pins Douglas to the ground, hitting him to the face with his claw repeatedly. Instinctively, Donald charges at and jumps fiercely on top of diesel, in defense of his brother. The diesel-king ends up slipping off the edge of the docks, and plummeting into the water on his side. D10 quickly stands back up and throws Donald right at his twin, before threatening to slam his claw at the two. Emily fires an acidic-stream, sending him a burning pain on the chest, being further-weakened as a result.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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